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Expert Team on Telecommunications Infrastructure (ET-CTS)

ET-CTS Senegal 2016

Info on the meeting

Location: ASECNA, Dakar. Senegal
Date: 05-08 April 2016
Working Hours: 9:00am to 5:30pm
Meeting Room: To be advised
Chair: Remy Giraud
Local Contact: Cumbi Hugues AYINA AKILOTAN
WMO contacts: David Thomas

Links to Documents

Meeting report

Reference Information

Information Documents

  • Info01 - Information for participants
  • Info02 - Document Allocation plan (See Tab 2 on this page)
  • Info03 - Manual on WIS (WMO No. 1060)
  • Info04 - Guide to WIS (WMO No. 1061)
  • Info05 - Manual on GTS (WMO No. 386)
  • Info06 - Guide to Information Technology Security (WMO No. 1115)
  • Info07 - Guide to Virtual Private Networks (VPN) via the Internet between GTS centres (WMO No. 1116)
  • Info08 - Meeting Work Plan
  • Info09 - Alas project - Bureau of Meteorology


  • Docxx - Document and Power Point templates
  • Doc01 - Agenda
  • Doc02 - Final Report 2014 Meeting
  • Doc03 - Liaison statement from IPET-MDRD 3
  • Doc04 - CTS/a/10 Revision of WMO No.386, Vol I, Attachments I-2, I-3 and I-4 (AI 5)
  • Doc05 - Current Status GISC Offenbach (AI - 2)
  • Doc06 - IPv6 questionnaire (AI -
  • Doc07 - Paper on the VPN tunnel to Tehran (AI -
  • Doc08 - Revision WMO doc 1115 (AI - 3.5.4)
  • Doc09 - Revision of WMO No 1116 (AI - 3.5.4)
  • Doc10 - Report on outcomes of Cg, EC and other ETs (AI - 4.2)
  • Doc11 - Review of GTS Manual, Attachment II-15 (AI 3.3.2)
  • Doc12 - Review of GTS Manual, Attachment II-15 - compression types etc (AI 3.3.2)
  • Doc13 | PPT- Current Status GISC Tokyo (AI - 2)
  • Doc14 - Cache in Cloud Pilot - Pilot Report (AI-3.2.1)
  • Doc15 - Cache in Cloud Pilot - Survey report (AI-3.2.2)
  • Doc16 - Cache in Cloud Pilot - Empty Questionnaire (AI-3.2.2)
  • Doc17 - Cache in Cloud Pilot - Raw Data pilot results (AI-3.2.1)
  • Doc18 - WIS emergency security response strategy (AI 3.6)
  • Doc19 | PPT - Current Status ECMWF (AI - 2)
  • Doc20 | PPT - Report on the situation of the RMDCN Next Generation including monitoring information (AI 3.4.1)
  • Doc21 - (PPT) Discussion on IPv6 questionnaire (AI -
  • Doc22 | PPT - Current Status GISC Beijing (AI - 2)
  • Doc23 - Current Status Australia (AI - 2)
  • Doc24 - Current Status UK (AI - 2)
  • Doc25 - Current Status GISC Seoul (AI - 2)
  • Doc26 - ASECNA and WIS (AI - 2)
  • Doc27 - TCP/IP Update Toulouse (AI - 2)
  • Doc28 - External interaction - SATCOM & GEO GD11 (AI 3.5.1 & 3.5.2)
  • Doc29 - ET-CTS revised TOR (CBS Mgt Grp 16)


Draft V01
Agenda Item
1. Organization of the meeting
2. Review of the current status of implementation of tcp/ip procedures and applications at wis centres
3.Review of the actions
3.1. CTS/a/1 WMO IPv6 Initiative
3.1.1. Progress report of the adoption of IPv6 in each WIS Center
3.1.2. Progress report on the WMO IPv6 initiative Results of the IPv6 Survey Open discussion on the next steps
3.2. CTS/a/3 Design principles for the WIS data communication structure
3.2.1. Report on the pilot test for the “Cache in and through the Cloud” action
3.2.2. Report on the questionnaire for the “Cache in and through the Cloud” action
3.2.3. Open discussion on the reports, input from the participants and next steps
3.3. CTS/a/4 Pilot revision of WMO No. 386, Vol II
3.3.1. Sections B.I-1 to B.I-15
3.3.2. Attachment II.15
3.4. CTS/a/7 Development and maintenance of WIS Core Network
3.4.1. Report on the situation of the RMDCN Next Generation including monitoring information
3.4.2. Action to connect all GISC to the WIS Core Network Report on VPN Tunnel for Iran via Germany
3.5. CTS/a/8 Report on other activities
3.5.1. The SATCOM initiative – Progress report
3.5.2. Participation in GEO related activities
3.5.3. Request from IPET-MDRD
3.5.4. Review of the guide on IT security (Publication WMO 1115) and guide on VPN via the Internet (Publication WMO 1116)
3.6. CTS/a/9 Draft WIS emergency security response strategy
4. WIS Plan and Roadmap
4.1. Review term of reference of ET-CTS under WIS
4.2. Report on outcomes of Cg, EC and other ETs (Secretariat)
5. Any other business
5.1 CTS/a/10 Revision of WMO No.386, Vol I, Attachments I-2, I-3 and I-4