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CBS-led Review of Emerging Data Issues

Current working documents

These working documents are intended to provoke discussion among team members. Their content does not represent the views of the team, its members, WMO or other organizations with which the team of its members may be associated.

Responsibilities for topics:

Social media. Arimatea, dell'Acqua
Emerging commercial services. Manore
Commercially sourced data. Rea
Open data. Pecora
Big data analytics. Davies
New data sources (including crowd sourcing). Pecora
Data volume. Davies
Internet of things. Dell'Acqua
Impact-related information. Fleming
Third party conventional data. Hov

File Gallery: CBSLR-working documents

  ID T Name Size Last Modified Invert Sort Hits Actions Other Sorts
Actions 3780 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Draft Report
Drafts of the report of the group
44.08 KB Wed 01 of Nov, 2017 159
Actions 3511 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document SWOT Commercially Sourced Data
Assessment of commercially source data. Lead: Rea
29.14 KB Mon 08 of May, 2017 192
Actions 3497 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document SWOT New Sources Of Data
Assessment of new sources of data. Lead: Pecora
38.50 KB Fri 28 of Apr, 2017 186
Actions 3496 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document SWOT Open Data
Assessment of open data. Lead: Pecora
39.98 KB Fri 28 of Apr, 2017 202
Actions 3494 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document SWOT Commercial Services
Assessment of commercial services. Lead: Manore
45.92 KB Thu 27 of Apr, 2017 293
Actions 3493 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document SWOT Social Media
Assessment of social media. Lead: Arimatea, dell'Acqua
30.53 KB Thu 27 of Apr, 2017 192
Actions 3492 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet SWOT Data Volumes
Assessment of data volume. Lead: Davies
13.82 KB Thu 27 of Apr, 2017 187
Actions 3491 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document SWOT Third Party Conventional Data
Assessment of Third Party conventional data. Lead: Hov
20.96 KB Thu 27 of Apr, 2017 193
Actions 3490 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet SWOT Big Data Analytics
Assessment of big data analytics. Lead: Davies
13.88 KB Thu 27 of Apr, 2017 180
Actions 3489 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document SWOT IoT
Assessment of Internet of Things. Lead dell'Acqua
30.16 KB Thu 27 of Apr, 2017 189

Information about the Review

Terms of Reference

Resolution 5.3/1(EC-68) defined the Terms of Reference for the CBS-led Review of Emerging Data Issues.

Scope of the review

1.1 Taking into account the issues identified by the Seventeenth World Meteorological Congress in Resolution 65 (Cg-67), the essays on emerging data issues prepared by presidents of technical commissions following the meeting of presidents of technical commissions in January 2016, and the outcomes of the May 2016 meeting of the Executive Council Task Team on Data Policy and Emerging Issues, the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS), in coordination with other technical commissions, shall prepare a review encompassing the following areas:

(a) Further clarification and delineation of the categories and types of big or emerging data and data sources, with examples of practical forms of use in order to identify the real consequences of these types of data;

(b) An overview of technical issues and application areas with respect to big or emerging data sources of significance to WMO, identifying the relevant WMO bodies and processes appropriate for addressing them, as well as gaps;

(c) An analysis of the structure of the private sector as it applies to this area, identifying key products and their input data and sources, major stakeholders or stakeholder groups and potential partners;

(d) Identification of specific areas and recommendations, and strategies for engagement by WMO and WMO Members with respect to big and emerging data, drawing upon practical experiences and lessons learned;
(e) Future trends and their implications for WMO in this area.

2. Organization of the review

Working structures
2.1 Working structures to be engaged in the review include:

(a) Establishment of a CBS-led review team on emerging data issues, with the president of CBS as the chairperson, with members consisting of relevant technical commissions, and a focal point of the Executive Council Task Team on Data Policy and Emerging Issues;

(b) Engagement of, and consultations with, relevant bodies, as necessary, through the review process, including experts from WMO co-sponsored programmes, a representative of the United Nations Global Pulse initiative on big data for development and humanitarian action, as a means of ensuring good linkages with big data user communities, and private sector representatives.

Implementation steps

2.2 Steps for completion of the review shall include:

(a) The review team will plan three meetings to complete the task, with the first review team meeting before the sixteenth session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS 16, 23-29 November 2016, China), to generate the initial input for a work-in-progress draft, which will be provided to the CBS session for comments and improvements;

(b) A first draft of the review report will be submitted to the sixty-ninth session of the Executive Council for comments and guidance;

(c) A revised draft will be sent to Members, technical commissions and regional associations for open consultation, and the revised report incorporating the comments received will be submitted to the seventieth session of the Executive Council for endorsement, with a target of submitting the final report to the Eighteenth World Meteorological Congress for approval.

Page last modified on Tuesday 25 of July, 2017 08:38:41 CEST