This is the static archive copy of the old wiswiki, decommissioned on June 1 2020
CBSLR-working documents
Responsibilities for topics:
Social media. Arimatea, dell'Acqua
Emerging commercial services. Manore
Commercially sourced data. Rea
Open data. Pecora
Big data analytics. Davies
New data sources (including crowd sourcing). Pecora
Data volume. Davies
Internet of things. Dell'Acqua
Impact-related information. Fleming
Third party conventional data. Hov
Social media. Arimatea, dell'Acqua
Emerging commercial services. Manore
Commercially sourced data. Rea
Open data. Pecora
Big data analytics. Davies
New data sources (including crowd sourcing). Pecora
Data volume. Davies
Internet of things. Dell'Acqua
Impact-related information. Fleming
Third party conventional data. Hov
Latest Changes
Newest Blog Posts
ITU article on Passive Sensing and RadioFrequency
Wed 06 of Feb, 2019 16:42 CET
New Software and tools for NMHS
Thu 19 of Jul, 2018 09:13 CEST
WMO Information System 2.0 Strategy (WMO-No. 1213) now available online
Mon 18 of Jun, 2018 10:05 CEST
Amendment to Manual on Codes Volume I.3 - introduce IWXXM 2.1.1
Tue 20 of Mar, 2018 17:39 CET
IWXXM (and WXXM) documents fail to validate - now resolved
Wed 31 of Jan, 2018 09:24 CET
Fast track MM51 - IWXXM 2.1.1 - issued for national focal point approval Reply by 15 February 2018.
Wed 20 of Dec, 2017 12:15 CET
CAS and JCOMM meetings moved to Geneva
Sun 01 of Oct, 2017 11:39 CEST
Reports of CBS-16 and CHy-15 published
Fri 28 of Apr, 2017 00:00 CEST
Fourth JMA workshop on WIS implementation, Tokyo, 6-8 December 2016
Mon 19 of Dec, 2016 10:34 CET
WWIS DCPC portal now publicly available
Tue 25 of Oct, 2016 09:58 CEST