instruments and observation methods: a key component of the Global Earth
Observing System of Systems (GEOSS)
Canterford, R.P. (Australia), acting president of CIMO
Session 1 -
Keynote Paper
developments and operational experience with surface observation technology (not available)
by Dombrowsky, R. (USA), co-chair of
Session 1 - Papers
1(1) Upgrade and new developments of the
automatic weather stations network in Austria
by Rudel, E. (Austria), et al.)
1(2) Actinometric Instruments for
automated systems
by Skuratovich, I. (Belarus), et al.)
1(3) Variability of the measurement of
temperature and humidity in the Canadian surface weather and reference
climate networks
by Beaney, G. (Canada)
1(4) The Canadian lightning detection
network - Novel approaches for performance measurement and network management
by Dockendorff, D. (Canada), et al.)
1(5) Comparison between the data collected
from the automatic weather observing systems and that collected from manual
observing systems
by Elsayed, M. (Egypt))
1(6) Piezoelectric precipitation sensor
by Salmi, A. (Finland), et al.)
1(7) Presentation and evolution of the
Shipboard automatic weather station BATOS
by Unger, V. (France).
1(8) A comparison of SCAPP radiation data
with global, diffuse and direct solar radiation
by Behrens, K. (Germany), et al.
1(9) Digital video technique as a new
part of the DWD observing network
by Mammen, T. (Germany), et al.)
1(10) Organization of the weather
assistance to maritime activities and agriculture
by Ocundo Ca, A. (Guinea Bissau))
1(11) New automatic weather station system in
Hong Kong featuring one-stop quality assurance, Internet technology and
renewable energy
by Tam, K. (Hong Kong, China), et al.
1(12) Monitoring
of high wind speed by new state-of-the-art high wind speed recording system
during recent December 2003 Machilipatnam cyclone
by Mali, R. (India), et al.)
1(13) The new meteorological
observation network in the Netherlands; status and operational experience
by Wauben, W. (Netherlands), et al.)
1(14) Remote monitoring of the weather at
Norwegian airports
by Hegg, K. (Norway), et al.)
1(15) Evaluation of the radar
precipitation measurement accuracy using rain gauge data
by Apostu, L. (Romania), et al.)
1(16) Mobile system for atmospheric
temperature profile monitoring: mobile MTP-5
by Khaikine, M. (Russian Federation), et al.)
1(17) SwissMetNet: Renewal of the Swiss
automatic meteorological network
by Heimo, A. (Switzerland), et al.)
Session 1 - Poster
P1(1) Meteorological monitoring system
for NPP-Kozloduy
by Branzov, H. (Bulgaria))
P1(2) Research on Lightning warning with
SAFIR lightning observation and meteorological detection data in
Beijing-Hebei areas
by Meng, Q. (China), et al.)
P1(3) Observations of stormy zone hourly
study in Kinshasa (not available)
by Tagisabo, A. (Dem. Rep. of
Congo), et al.)
P1(4) New developments and operational experience
with surface observation technology
by Refaie, E. (Egypt))
P1(5) Next generation all weather
precipitation gauge
by Räisänen, E. (Finland), et al.)
P1(6) Météo France Network Supervision (not available)
by Vogt, V. (France).
P1(7) The new synoptic-climatological
station AMDA in the DWD primary network
by Klapheck, K. (Germany), et al.)
P1(8) Visibility measurement technique and
its application in aviation services at international airports in India
by Mali, R. (India), et al.)
P1(9) Present status of surface
meteorological measurements in India
by Vashistha, R. (India), et al.)
P1(10) Modernization of radiation network
by Vashistha, R. (India), et al.)
P1(11) Rain intensity gauge with no moving
by Yassky, D. (Israel), et al.)
P1(12) Chemical
analysis of meteoric wet atmospheric deposition. Comparison between daily and
weekly precipitation samples
by Casu, G. (Italy), et al.)
P1(13) Automatic cloud-coverage evaluation
by a ground-based Total-Sky Camera
by Rafanelli, C. (Italy), et al.)
P1(14) Surface energy balance
investigations using scintillation measurements
by Sciortino, M. (Italy), et al.)
P1(15) A method to estimate sunshine duration
from global irradiance measurements (not available)
by Benschop, H. (Netherlands)
P1(16) Cost effective 1-minute network
data collection: A new paradigm
by Hartley, B. (New Zealand))
P1(17) Cost efficient data transport with
GSM from weather stations in Norway
by van Nes, A. (Norway))
P1(18) Surface
meteorological measurements and meteorological services in Pakistan
by Mir, H. (Pakistan), et al.)
P1(19) Technical and operational aspects of
setting-up an AWS network in Romania (not available)
by Lucaschi, B. (Romania), et al.)
P1(20) The low cost radio frequency rain
by Koldaev, A. (Russian Federation), et al.)
P1(21) The new capillary surface microlayer
sampler for monitoring of the transboundary source of coastal ecosystems'
pollution (not available)
by Syroeskhin, A. (Russian Federation), et al.)
P1(22) Design and development of a low
cost and reliable automatic weather station
by Kumarasinghe, E. (Sri Lanka))
P1(23) The flood forecasting and
precipitation measurement by using radar system
by Eroglu, H. (Turkey))
P1(24) The man-made satellite; an
instrument of opportunity
by Mudenda, O. (Zambia), et al.)
P1(25) A comparison of Beaufort,
Vaisala and radiosonde wind measuring systems in the course of migration
by Ngenda, Ch. (Zambia)
P1(26) Mass and energy fluxes monitoring
using eddy covariance techniques
by Mendicino, G. (Italy), et
P1(27) TOA - Advanced Lightning Positioning
System (ALPS)
by Geitz, W. (USA)
P1(28) The ozone influence risk
assessment on population health: Optical instrument of ozone concentration
by Naumenko, T. (Belarus),
et al.
P1(29) OTT Parsivel® - Enhanced
precipitation identifier and new generation of present weather sensor by OTT
Messtechnik, Germany
Nemeth, K. (Germany), et al.
Session 2 -
Keynote Paper
Review of a progress in the
development of the operational upper-air technology
by Dr John Nash, UK,
vice-president of CIMO,
co-chair of OPAG-UPPER-AIR, chair CIMO ET on UASI
Session 2 - Papers
2(1) Observations from the global AMDAR
by Stickland, J. (Australia), et al.
2(2) VAISALA RS92 radiosondes offer
high level of GPS performance with a reliable telemetry
by Jauhiainen, H. (Finland), et al.
2(3) MODEM upper-air GPS
Radiosounding system
by Charpentier, J. (France), et al.
2(4) Advances in wind profiler radar
by Currier, F. (France).
2(5) Upper air wind measurements by
weather radar
by Holleman, I. (Netherlands), et al.
2(6) Studying the accuracy of Afar-based
radar sounding system
by Ivanov, A. (Russian Federation), et al.
2(7) Meteorology and security around
the nuclear power plants in Switzerland
by Calpini, B. (Switzerland), et al.
2(8) Development
of a UK national GPS water vapour processing system
by Jones, J. (UK), et al.
2(9) Progress
in introducing new technology sensor sites for the Met Office long-range
lightning detection system
by Nash, J. (UK), et al.
2(10) The
challenges for an operational wind profiler - remote and unattended
by Oakley, T. (UK), et al.
2(11) Results of the RS92 acceptance test
performed by the Met Office (UK)
by Smout, R. (UK), et al.
2(12) The
evolution and development of the United States National Weather Service
universal radiosonde replacement system
by Bower, C. (USA).
2(13) Universal upper air sounding system
by Wierenga, R.(USA), et al.
Session 2 - Poster
P2(1) Some results from atmospheric
sounding in cases with foehn in Sofia valley
by Videnov,
P.(Bulgaria), et al.
P2(2) Applying working knowledge for well
managing the upper air stations network in order to preserve its historical
achievements and work on continuing its development and prosperity
by Amer, M.(Egypt)
P2(3) A round the clock observation
technology to measure vertical profiles of visibility and spectral
transmission of the mixing layer
by Weller, M.(Germany), et
P2(4) Radiosounding: Impact on aerological
measurements due to instrumentation transition (not available)]
by Casu, G.(Italy), et al.
P2(5) Use of doppler radar in Romania
for nowcasting and warning
by Stan-Sion, A.(Romania),
et al.
P2(6) Time-lag correction of operational
RS80-A radiosonde humidity
by Kats, A.(Russian
Federation), et al.
P2(7) The impact of new RF95 radiosonde
introduction on upper-air data quality in the North‑West region of
by Kats, A.(Russian
Federation), et al.
P2(8) The field and laboratory
intercomparison test between two different types of the sondes and the ground
by Borštnik, A.(Slovenia), et al.
P2(9) On board processing capability for
radiosonde platforms using low-cost processors mixed signal ICs and
semi-conductor sensors
by Kumarasinghe, N.(Sri
P2(10) Upper
air observations in Turkey
by Erdem, M.(Turkey), et
P2(11) Observing
fog and low cloud with a combination of 78 GHz cloud radar and laser
by Nash, J.(UK), et al.
P2(12) Demonstration
of the new InterMet radiosondes system installed at the Tanzania
Meteorological Agency, Dar-es-Salaam
by Smout, R.(UK), et al.
P2(13) Maturation
and application of operational doppler Lidar for meteorological applications
by Hannon, S.(USA), et al.
P2(14) Recent application of the accurate
temperature measuring radiosonde
by Schmidlin, F.(USA).
P2(15) Improved forecast skill with
ground-based radiometric profiling (not available)
by Ware, R.(USA), et al.
P2(16) InterMet 403 MHz radiosonde system
by Wierenga,
R.(USA), et al.
P2(17) Quantitative assessment of improved
spectral moments selection algorithms on an operational 64 MHz clear-air
doppler wind profiler
by Winston, H.(USA), et al.
P2(18) Polarization
diversity for the National Weather Service, WSR-88D radars
by Zrnic, D.(USA)
P2(19) Radar technique for the
study of structure and dynamics of the hail-storm process
by Imamdjanov,
P2(20) Radar techniques of
meteorological events detection by polarization characteristics of signal
by Imamdjanov,
K.(Uzbekistan), et al.
P2(21) Development of a mean intensity
radiometer for GRAW radiosondes
By Schmidmer, F. (Germany)
Session 3 - Keynote Paper
Quality management,
calibration, testing and comparison of instruments and observing systems (not available)
by Dr Bruce Baker, USA, Chairman of the AMS’s Committee on Instrumentation and Observations
Session 3 - Papers
3(1) Canadian program and facilities for the
functional testing of surface weather instruments and systems
by Nitu, R. (Canada)
3(2) Meteorological standardization in China
by Ding, H. (China)
3(3) Field comparison of different
raingauges and present weather sensor at MHS of Croatia
by Premec, K (Croatia), et
3(4) WMO laboratory
intercomparison of rainfall intensity gauges (France - Italy - Netherlands) .
First results from France
by Alexandropoulos, Ch. (France),
et al.
3(5) Field
Acceptance Test Procedure of 40 Vaisala Present Weather PWD 22 Sensors and
Use of a Thies Spectro-Rain Gauge
by Zanghi, F, (France)
3(6) LAUTLOS upper-air humidity comparison
– the first results
by Leiterer, U. (Germany),
et al.
3(7) A quality management system for the
process of collecting meteorological data
Richter, C. (Germany), et al.
3(8) Comparison between an automatic
weather station and a traditional station
by Soumah, F. (Guinea)
3(9) The WMO laboratory intercomparison of
rainfall intensity gauges
by Lanza, L.
(Italy), et al.
3(10) Documentation on quality assurance and representativity of
meteorological observations
Benschop, H. (Netherlands)
3(11) Precipitation type from the
THIES disdrometer
Bloemink, H. (Netherlands), et al.
3(12) An assessment of the UV broad band filter
radiometer measurement accuracy
Los, A. (Netherlands), et al.
3(13) KVALOBS - the quality assurance
system of Norwegian Meteorological Institute observations
by Kielland, G. (Norway)
3(14) Guidelines on quality control
procedures for data from automatic weather stations
by Zahumenský, I.
3(15) The world radiometric reference and
its quality system
by Rüedi, I. (Switzerland)
3(16) Preliminary results of WMO
intercomparison of high quality radiosonde systems, Mauritius, February 2005
by Nash, J. (UK), et al.
3(17) Quality
management of a European wind profiler network (CWINDE)
by Oakley, T. (UK), et al.
Session 3 - Poster Presentations
P3(1) Intercomparison of ground-based water vapour radiometer measurements
and radiosonde measurements with the integrated water vapour from numerical
models (not available)
by Vukovic, Z. (Canada)
P3(2) The experiment and analysis on
available data rate of wind profiler radar
He, P. (China), et al.
P3(3) Performance evaluation for net
by Lu, W. (China), et al.
P3(4) Some step of quality control of
upper-air network data in China
by Zhao, Z. (China), et al.
P3(5) The
in Situ Pressure Calibration System in Météo-France
by Duvernoy, J. (France), et al.
P3(6) ISO 9001 Quality Certification in the Area of
Surface Observing Systems (not available)
by Leroy, M. (France)
P3(7) Uncertainties
of Measurements in Météo France's Monitoring of the Chemical Composition of Precipitation
by Mezdour, A, (France), et al.
P3(8) A
Quality Control Program for Radiation Data (not available)
by Behrens, K. (Germany), et al.
P3(9) Measuring air temperature by
using an ultrasonic anemometer
by Lanzinger, E. (Germany), et al.
P3(10) Automatic technical self check
system for the DWD weather radar network
by Mammen, T. (Germany), et al.
P3(11) Fast-response, open path optical
hygrometer for long-term measurements - experiences, results, future
Weisensee, U. (Germany), et al.
P3(12) Quality management and quality
control of the long-term observing system “ZUZI“ a provider of the WMO World
Data Centre for Aerosols (WDCA)
by Weller, M. (Germany), et al.
P3(13) Temperature
measurement (not available)
Traore, F. (Guinea)
P3(14) Intensity of precipitation and
comparison among different
measuring instruments
Casu, G. (Italy), et al.
P3(15) Influence of rain gauge calibration on
data series at Re. S.M.A. station in Vigna di Valle (Italy)
by Lanza, L. (Italy), et al.
P3(16) Dealing with uncertainty in rainfall
gauges calibration: The QM-RIM metrological validation
Molini, A. (Italy), et al.
P3(17) The new automatic weather system
Zahari, A. (Malaysia)
P3(18) Quality and representativity
of wind measurements
Benschop, H. (Netherlands)
P3(19) A test of the precipitation
amount and intensity measurements with the OTT Pluvio
Wauben, W. (Netherlands)
P3(20) Wind tunnel and field test of
three 2D sonic anemometers
Wauben, W. (Netherlands)
P3(21) Testing of wind sensors and the
usefulness of video technology at marine stations
Larre, M. (Norway)
P3(22) Comparison of manual
precipitation observations with automatic observations in Oslo and Utsira
Mathisen, T. (Norway), et al.
P3(23) Variation
in precipitation measurement through different instrumentation (not available)
Awan, S. (Pakistan)
P3(24) Preliminary results obtained
following the intercomparison of the meteorological parameters provided by
automatic and classical stations in Romania
Baciu, M. (Romania), et al.
P3(25) Review of the Dobson
121 spectrophotometer accuracy as a result of the international intercomparison
sessions (not available)
Manea, L. (Romania) , et al.
P3(26) The meteorological data quality
management of Romanian national surface observation network
Ralita, I. (Romania) , et al.
P3(27) Advanced atmospheric boundary
layer temperature profiling with MTP-5HE microwave system
Kadygrov, E. (Russian Federation) , et al.
P3(28) The operational web-based
presentation of the Russian Federation upper-air network performance
Kats, A. (Russian Federation) , et al.
P3(29) Intercomparison measurements of
recording precipitation gauges in Slovakia
Chvila, B. (Slovakia), et al.
P3(30) Calibration of relative humidity measuring instruments at EARS
Groselj, D. (Slovenia), et al.
P3(31) Accredited calibration laboratory
service as a subject of an integral QA system at EARS
Groselj, D. (Slovenia), et al.
P3(32) The
effect of the relative humidity on sunshine duration measurements during the
last eclipse in Turkey (not available)
Aksoy, B. (Turkey)
P3(33) Data quality management
Karatas, S. (Turkey), et al.
P3(34) Detection of Zdr abnormalities on
operational polarimetric radar in Turkish weather radar network
Sireci, O. (Turkey), et al.
P3(35) The
United States National Weather Service in-situ radiation temperature
correction for radiosonde replacement system GPS radiosondes
by Bower, C. (USA)
P3(36) Wind tunnel tests of some low-cost
sonic anemometers
by Sturgeon, B. (USA)
Session 4 - Keynote Paper
Technology Transfer, Capacity
Building, Training And Development of RICs (not available)
by Dr. Joseph R. Mukabana, Permanent
Representative of Kenya with WMO
Session 4 - Papers
4(1) Wind protection designs from
measurements with simple wind equipment in four African countries, in
research education capacity building projects
by Stigter, K. (Netherlands), et
4(2) Technology transfer, capacity
building, training and development of RICs (the Nigerian experience)
by Adeniji E. O.
(Nigeria), et al.
4(3) Design and construction of
meteorological instruments, the Nigeria experience
by Aderinto, S. (Nigeria))
4(4) Romanian national meteorological
integrated observational system - achievements and current status
by Apostu, A. (Romania),
et al.
4(5) SIMIN - the integrated system for
meteorological surveillance, forecast and alert in Romania
by Allen, G. (USA), et al.
Session 4 - Poster Presentations
P4(1) Technology, training, development,
testing and calibration at the ReSMA
by Casu, G. (Italy), et al.
P4(2) Modernization of Observation
Network in Turkey
by Büyükbas, E. (Turkey), et al.
P4(3) U.S. support for the global climate
observing system (GCOS) and associated support for international, regional,
and bi-lateral GCOS activities
Diamond, H. (USA)
P4(4) Revitalization of the GCOS surface and upper-air
network stations
Thigpen, R. (USA)
WMO/TD-No. 1265
Part I
- Papers (28 MB)
II - Posters (30 MB)