Language, Conference and Publishing Services |
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Language, Conference and Publishing Services Department
The WMO Language, Conference and Publishing Services Department (LCP) provides translation, editing and terminology services to in-house clients in the six official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish), incorporating into its workflow the latest computer-assisted tools for translation and editing. LCP also provides conference services and facilities, primarily for WMO meetings but also to other United Nations bodies, as well as publishing services.
Translation, Editing and Terminology Services
LCP translates official WMO meeting documents, correspondence, publications and Web products from and into the six official languages of the United Nations. It also edits technical publications, in addition to materials of interest to the general public, and provides terminology and reference services to translators, editors and authors.
LCP handles a variable volume of pages for translation and editing, out of which approximately one third are done in-house and the rest are outsourced. LCP relies heavily on a pool of freelance specialists to meet the demand for its services.
A key terminology tool administered by LCP is METEOTERM, an authoritative database of weather, hydrology and climate terminology, which is widely used by the international scientific community and available online free of charge.
A good translation is not always easy to produce, but there is much that both the client and translator can do to ensure a final product of high quality that meets the needs of the target audience. For example, it is important that the client provide the translator with a well-written source text and no less important for the translator to seek input from the client when the text is unclear or ambiguous. For more information on how to ensure a good translation see Translation: Getting It Right.
Conference Services
LCP Conference Services Unit (CNF) provides logistics support, including interpretation, meeting rooms, laptops and Internet access, as well as video conferencing and a complete range of audio-visual equipment, for all WMO constituent body sessions, both at WMO Secretariat and off site.
Publishing Services
LCP manages the entire publishing process for WMO publications, official documents and other print and Web material, as well as those of external clients. Publishing services include editing, graphic design, desktop publising and printing, in addition to CD and USB-key production. LCP print shop services in-house and external clients, such as MétéoSuisse and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD).
Of the more than 200 products published by LCP per year, 40 are major governance and technical publications (available at the WMO Bookstore) while the remainder are pamphlets, flyers, press kits and posters.