Strategic planningThe Seventeenth World Meteorological Congress (Geneva, 2015) approved the WMO Strategic Plan 2016-2019 which will guide decision-making by the Organization and its constituent bodies during the period 2016-2019. The Strategic Plan is the result of a planning process driven by the needs and priorities identified by WMO Members. The WMO Operating Plan 2016–2019 provides details on key outcomes, deliverables and activities to be implemented to achieve results defined in the WMO Strategic Plan, with the resources provided under WMO Results-based Budget (Resolution 70 (Cg-17) – Maximum expenditure for the seventeenth financial period (2016–2019), and activities of technical commissions and regional associations to be implemented through in-kind support. The WMO Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system measures the performance of the Organization in the timely implementation of its Strategic Plan based on the activities in the Operating Plan and those implemented by Members'. Purpose of the WMO Strategic PlanThe WMO Strategic Plan sets the directions and priorities to guide the activities of Members and all WMO constituent bodies to enable all Members to improve their core information, products and services, maintain necessary infrastructure, and to directly benefit from advancements in science and technology.
WMO strategic planning processWMO has built its strategic planning on the results-based management (RBM) concept, which also steers the programme definition, implementation and management in the Secretariat. This approach enables the Organization to better achieve its objectives and assist Members in realizing their own sustainable plans. The WMO strategic planning process begins with the integration of Members’ input into a high-level planning document that defines the global societal needs, strategic priorities and expected results. The four building blocks of WMO RBM Framework are WMO Strategic Plan, WMO Operating Plan, WMO Results-based Budget and WMO Monitoring and Evaluation System.
Structure of the WMO Strategic PlanThe WMO Strategic Plan 2016-2019 is structured along three global societal needs, seven strategic priorities and eight expected results. Global Societal Needs
PrioritiesThe following key priorities will be given additional emphasis in the WMO Programmes and results-based budget for 2016–2019, based on the inputs from all WMO constituent bodies and in particular the six regional associations, which gathered the collective views of all 191 Members.
Expected Results
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