
Steering Group on Radio-Frequency Coordination. 2018 meeting

Meeting information

Report of the meeting:

Chair: Eric Allaix.
WMO & Webex contact: Steve Foreman & Dave Thomas.

Location: East-West Center, Hawaii Imin International Conference Center, at Jefferson Hall, 1777 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848

Date: 12-15 February 2018
Time: 09:00 to 17:00 Hawaii Time (19:00 UTC to 03:00 UTC the following day)

Members of SG-RFC should log-in to the WIS wiki to receive the best browsing experience.

How to book your hotel at the meeting venue

Click here to see how to get your hotel at special rates
  • Note must be logged into wiki
  • Contact if you do not have a wiswiki account

Key objectives

The primary objective of the meeting is to prepare for WRC-19.

Meeting details

Register for the meeting

Core members of SG-RFC will be sent an official invitation. Members are also welcome to register by submitting a form to the secretariat. Upon receipt of a request, the secretariat will check your contact details and if necessary ensure an invitation is sent to the member's WMO Permanent Representative requesting participation of the member.

Dress standards

  • It is highly recommended we be comfortable when we work. Everyone should lose the coats and ties (don't even pack them) and dress business casual.

Travel information

  • There is no public transport from the recommended accommodation to the meeting venue.

WebEx details

Limited facilities may be available for remote participation on request.

Tips on using WebEx (Note: WebEx has recently changed its interface, so the screenshots will not match exactly what you see on your screen) Warning for presenters: if you choose to share an application (rather than your whole screen), everyone else will see a black screen if you mimimize the application you are sharing.


Linked documents

Meeting documents (SG-RFC-2018-Docnn-subject.docx)

ID T Name Size Last Modified Hits Invert Sort Other Sorts
3966 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 4.1 Inf10.1 ITU R RS
ITU-R RS.1263-1
2.41 MB Wed 14 of Feb, 2018 136 Information
3956 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 4.3 Doc12.2 Space remote sensing
Spaceborne remote sensing applications
54.33 KB Wed 14 of Feb, 2018 144 Information
3964 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 5 Doc 16.1 Coordinators
Focal points and coordinators for SG-RFC activities
52.54 KB Wed 14 of Feb, 2018 145 Information
3876 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 4.6 Doc 15.1 Radiometers
Issues concerning radiometers
698.78 KB Wed 07 of Feb, 2018 159 Information
3898 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 4.3 Doc12.1 Passive sensing
59.88 KB Thu 08 of Feb, 2018 160 Information
3962 application/pdf 2.5.4 Inf Report From CGMS 45
Report from CGMS-45
9.09 MB Tue 13 of Feb, 2018 161 Information