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CBS/OPAG-ISS Implementation and Coordination Team on Information Systems and Services meeting July 2014

Information on the meeting

Location: Geneva
Date: 8 July - 10 July 2014
Registration: 9am. Meeting 9:30am
Meeting Room: 8 Jura
Chair: Matteo dell'Acqua
WMO contacts: Peiliang Shi, David Thomas, Steve Foreman
Working Hours: 9am to noon and 1:30pm to 5:30pm

Reference documents

Preparation of documents

Documents for the meeting should be concise, identify decisions made by expert teams that require confirmation by ICT-ISS, explain issues that must be resolved by ICT-ISS, and contain draft text for inclusion in the final report of the meeting and/or the reports to CBS Ext(2014).

Preliminary Draft Agenda

1. Organization of the Meeting

Opening remarks (D/WIS)

1.1. Adoption of the agenda

  • Agenda and document plan

1.2. Working arrangements

2. Report of the Chair ICT-ISS on past and recent activities including background information

3. Overview of draft WIS and ICT-ISS papers for CBS Ext(2014)

3.1. CBS Agenda Item 2.3: Technical, including on regulations,managed by ICT-ISS

  • General report ICT-ISS
  • World Weather Watch Monitoring (Information paper)
  • Manual on Codes - Model Driven Code Forms

3.2. CBS Agenda Item 3.2: Decisions supporting WIS

  • Decisions and Technical Regulations supporting WIS

3.3. CBS Agenda Item 4.5: Recommendations on standardizing data management to support WMO

  • Recommendations on standardizing data management to support WMO (for information)

3.4. CBS Agenda Item 2.6: Managing changes to technical regulations

  • Managing changes to technical regulations

4. Reports from Expert Teams

Note: Reports from Expert Teams should include draft text for the final report of ICT-ISS and any required draft text for changes to the draft CBS Ext(2014) documents. Concentrate on items for decision by ICT-ISS or CBS.

4.1. ET-CTS

4.2. ET-WISC



5. ICT-ISS activities until December 2015

  • Terms of Reference of Focal Points (see links above)
Proposal: ET Chairs confirm the responsibilities, and after the meeting the Secretariat edit to a common format and wording.

6. Development of WIS 2016-2019

To include:
  • repeat audits for updating certification
  • transferring the core elements of the WIS Technical Specifications to a more formal location (such as the Guide to the WIS)
  • Implementing WIS monitoring
  • Implementing the WIS competences

7. Amendments to the draft documents from OPAG ISS to CBS

7.1. Documents for CBS

7.2. Preparations for TECO and the RA III demonstration

8. Any Other Business

  • Toolsets to support development of WIS

9. Closure of meeting

Meeting documents

File Gallery: ICT-ISS 2014

ID T Name Size Invert Sort Last Modified Hits Other Sorts
1095 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Secretariat 3
Summary of Data Designator changes
14.13 KB Thu 10 of Jul, 2014 335 Information
1091 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ToRs
ToRs for focal points
15.68 KB Wed 09 of Jul, 2014 322 Information
1037 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document D 05.05
Background to Focal Points Terms of Reference
39.34 KB Tue 01 of Jul, 2014 319 Information
1081 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ET-WISC - Changing principal GISC
Annex to ET-WISC report - Changing principal GISC
39.68 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 341 Information
1079 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ET-WISC rolling review of WIS centres (audits)
Annex to ET-WISC report - WIS centre audit/certification cycle
39.85 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 329 Information
1003 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 00 - Document format
Boilerplate document for documents submitted to ICT-ISS-2014.
40.21 KB Tue 24 of Jun, 2014 370 Information
1067 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document D 04.03(3)
Recommendations on migration for discussion
41.61 KB Mon 07 of Jul, 2014 457 Information
1077 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ET-WISC - standard support
Annex to ET-WISC report - standard support from GISCs to NCs and DCPCs
42.08 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 341 Information
1039 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document D 04.03(01)
GTS headers for DCP reports
42.20 KB Tue 01 of Jul, 2014 457 Information
1065 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document D 04.04(4) - doc
Vol A issues - Doc
43.64 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 436 Information
1059 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document D 04.04(3) - doc
Report from IPET-MDRD in Doc format
61.47 KB Mon 07 of Jul, 2014 463 Information
1083 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document D 04.03(4)
Migration matrix
90.61 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 323 Information
1075 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation ET-WISC report ppt
ET-WISC report to ICT-ISS
97.05 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 409 Information
1089 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ET-WISC report (Document)
ET-WISC report (Document)
128.04 KB Thu 10 of Jul, 2014 334 Information
1099 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 0 - Final report
Draft final report. Unapproved and likely to contain errors.
153.81 KB Thu 10 of Jul, 2014 742 Information
1093 application/pdf RA I WIS IP progress
187.20 KB Wed 09 of Jul, 2014 388 Information
1025 application/msword D 04.04(2)
Report of TT-AvXML, October 2013
308.50 KB Wed 25 of Jun, 2014 469 Information
1085 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation D 04.03(6)
IPET-DRMM report
342.09 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 352 Information
1071 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation Secretariat 1
Meeting outline presentation
375.26 KB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 356 Information
1023 application/msword D 04.04(1)
Report from IPET-MDRD-1 March 2014
870.00 KB Wed 25 of Jun, 2014 1008 Information
1087 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation D 04.02(1)
Monitoring the effectiveness of Tsunami warning distribution
1.13 MB Wed 09 of Jul, 2014 331 Information
1027 application/ R 01
OPG-ISS work plan as agreed with CBS Management Group
1.21 MB Wed 25 of Jun, 2014 466 Information
1097 image/jpeg Team photo
Photograph of ICT-ISS
2.15 MB Thu 10 of Jul, 2014 341 Information
1073 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation Secretariat 2
WWW monitoring
2.64 MB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 338 Information
1051 application/msword D 04.03(02)
Report of IPET-DRMM-II
3.74 MB Tue 08 of Jul, 2014 1951 Information

Note: Secretariat link for managing documents

Page last modified on Thursday 10 of July, 2014 12:56:32 CEST