Name (Role) | Proposed by | Status
GIRAUD, Rémy (Chairperson) | France | Attending
GLASER, Ilona (Co-Chairperson) | Germany | Attending
LOYBER, Pablo (Host&Core member) | Argentina | Attending
AYINA AKILOTAN, Cumbi Hugues (Core member) | ASECNA | Attending
GORWITS, Oliver (Core member) | ECMWF | Attending
SLATER, Neil (Associate member) | EUMETSAT | Attending
FAVENNEC, Erwan (TT-eWIS) | France | Attending
OSUSKY, Jan (Associate member) | HMEI | Attending
YUGE, Yoritsugi (Core member) | Japan | Attending
ODHIAMBO, Elias Otieno (Core member) | Kenya | Attending
OBAIDAN, Omar (Associate member) | Qatar | Attending
DO, Sungsoo (Core member) | Republic of Korea | Attending
HODGE, Bryan (Secretariat) | WMO | Attending
SILVA, Peter (Core member) | Canada | Attending
SPEARS, Tobias (Associate member) | Canada | Attending (remote)
CHAMBERLAIN, Phil (Associate member) | UK | Attending (remote)
REZENDE, Jose Mauro (Associate member) | Brazil | Attending (remote)
ALANSARI, Salah (Associate member) | Kuwait | Invited
TELYUK, Dmitriy (Associate member) | Russian Federation | Invited
PANASII, Victor(Associate member) | Russian Federation | Invited
ALMEIDA, Waldenio Gambi (Associate member) | Brazil | Unable to Attend
AMR MAHMOUD, Amr Mohamed (Associate member) | Egypt | Unable to Attend
IKEDA, Shuichi (Associate member) | Japan | Unable to attend
TSUBOI, Kentaro (Associate member) | Japan | Unable to attend
ELHAITI, Mohamed (Associate member) | Morocco | Unable to attend
HUH, Sunghoi (Associate member) | Republic of Korea | Unable to attend
KIM, Dongyeon (Associate member) | Republic of Korea | Unable to attend
PETSUWAN, Wanchalearm (Associate member) | Thailand | Unable to attend
BRUNNER, CHRISTINE (Core member) | USA | Unable to Attend
THOMAS, David (Secretariat) | WMO | Unable to attend