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Expert Team on Communication Techniques and Systems (ET-CTS 2019)

Meeting information

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Report of the meeting:

Chair: Remy Giraud

Key objectives

The primary objectives of the meeting are to:
  • This section is under construction but will include the following
    • Outcomes of EC70 and status of CBS Consultation 2018
    • Review of WMO No 1115 and 1116
    • Review of YOPP guide on how to publish in WIS
    • Update on Constituent Body Reform
    • Review of ET-CTS work plan
    • Future of the RMDCN
    • Input for Future technologies workshop (March 2019)
    • WIS2 Implementation plan and role of ET-CTS

Meeting details

  • The National Meteorological of the Argentine Republic and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are pleased to invite you to attend to the next Meeting of the Expert Team on WIS-GTS Communication Techniques and Structure (ET-CTS).
  • It will be held at the Headquarters of the SMN in Buenos Aires, from 11 to 15 February, 2019.
    • Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) - National Meteorological Service
    • Central Building –First Floor
    • Av. Dorrego 4019 - C1425GBE
    • Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina
    • http://www.smn.gov.ar
  • Members of ET-CTS will be sent an official invitation.

Administration and information for participants

Document nameAuthorDocument URLDocument (file)Invert Sortatts
ET-CTS2019-Information for participantsPablo
  1. ET CTS2019(Admin) Information For Participants
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  1. ET CTS2019 AI(XX) Template
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ET-CTS2019(Admin)-WorkPlan-r02Remy Giraud
  1. ET CTS2019(Admin) WorkPlan R02
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Group Photo Secretariat
  1. Foto Grupal
List Attachments0
  1. ET CTS 2019 Report Final
List Attachments0

Video Conference details

If needed, video conference facilities may be able to be arranged. Please let secretariat know if you wish to join remotely and to which agenda items.

Page last modified on Friday 13 of December, 2019 13:39:52 CET