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NetCDF CF conventions for WMO data exchange

Chair: Thorsten Büßelberg
WMO contact: Enrico Fucile (WMO)
Location: Met Office, Fitzroy Road, Exeter
Date: 19-20 September 2019

The wide use of netCDF as a data format for scientific purposes is well known and accepted. The standard is very flexible and easy to use but it doesn’t provide rules for the semantic interoperability of systems. The CF (Climate and Forecast) conventions provide a framework enabling interoperability at semantic level in many contexts and mostly for the purpose of scientific data exchange. WMO has developed a set of data formats enabling syntactic and semantic interoperability for the operations of the World Weather Watch (WWW) programme and is planning to extend the WWW to other fields covering the Earth system model with a seamless approach on time and space scales. The wider community involved in the new sub-systems and scales is using netCDF with various degrees of compliance to different conventions. WMO is investigating the opportunities and costs of developing regulations, based on the CF conventions. The goal of enabling semantic interoperability in the exchange of netCDF data for WMO purposes in the WMO Information System (WIS) is being assessed and will be a focus for the workshop. A primary aim for the workshop is to investigate a potential governance model for the netCDF-CF data representations to be used in WIS in a framework of collaboration with the CF community.

Documents for participants

Submitting a document or presentation

Please use document templates from the table above. The document should briefly summarize the content of your presentation.
To submit a document or presentation use the "Submit a document" tab. After submission the document will be reviewed by a moderator before being published in the agenda.

The agenda is divided in three main items:

  1. CF for WMO data exchange.
  2. WMO and CF governace
  3. Proposals for a WMO-CF collaboration

Local information

The Met Office are hosting the workshop on behalf of the World Meteorological Organisation in the United Kingdom, in Exeter.
The meeting will start at 9 :00 on the 19th and close at 17:00 on the 20th September 2019.

Information on how to find us in Exeter is available from:

The Met Office is located on the edge of the city, near the Motorway and Exeter Airport. There are Hotels near the office, within walking distance, including:

There are numerous hotels in the city centre:

Bus services exist between the city centre, the main train station, and the Met Office.

As well as registering with the WMO, the Met Office ask that you contact us directly with some information, to help us organise your visit.
Please contact
- Your Full Name
- Name of Company/Organisation
- Whether you would like to request a visitor parking space (not guaranteed)
- The dates you will be visiting
- Whether you would require assistance in an emergency?
You will need to bring your Passport (or UK ID, if a UK national) with you in order to gain access to the building.

The Met Office will provide visitor wireless network access for you.
There is a Restaurant and a Café on site catering to a range of dietary requirements. These are charged individually, as for Met Office staff.

We will be organising dinner for some evenings, so if you have dietary requirements, please let me know so that I can inform any restaurants we may visit.


Meeting URL

Meeting ID
473 304 912

Want to dial in from a phone?

Dial one of the following numbers:
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose)) +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) (see all numbers -

Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #

Page last modified on Tuesday 08 of October, 2019 10:16:42 CEST