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South East Europe Flash Flood Guidance (SEEFFG) System

The South East Europe Flash Flood Guidance (SEEFFG) System Kick-Off Meeting was held in Ankara, Turkey on 22-24 March 2013. Based on the SEEFFG system implementation plan adapted at the Kick-Off Meeting, the following project activities have been completed:

  1. First Project Steering Committee Meeting took place from 31 March to 2 April 2015 in Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
  2. Operational training took place from 5 July to 2 August (12 July – 9 August) 2015 at HRC facilities in San Diego, USA.


Follow-up Opertional Workshop South East Europe Flash Flood Guidance (SEEFFG) System (Step-4 Training), Zagreb, Croatia 9–13 May 2016

As per the implementation plan, Follow-Up Operational Workshop and Step-4 training were held in Zagreb, Croatia from 9 to 13 May 2016. The objectives of this workshop were to: review the theoretical basis of the Flash Flood Guidance System; explore in detail, through presentations and discussions, the project products, their development methodology, and the interpretation and validation approaches to provide feedback for their further development; operational use of the SEEFFG products through hand-on exercises; allow a better understanding of the needs of high resolution modelling, including its domains; support the SEEFFGS application; review and evaluate the SEEFFG products for elected past events through case studies; and evaluate the performances of participants who successfully completed FFG Step-2 and Step-3 training to be qualified for the certified WMO FFG Trainer.


South East Europe Flash Flood Guidance (SEEFFG) System Second Steering Committee Meeting (SCM2), Podgorica, Montenegro, 26–28 September 2017

The objectives of this meeting were to: review the development and implementation status of the SEEFFG system; use its products in preparation of daily flash flood forecasts and warnings through case study presentations; familiarize participants with the Flash Flood Guidance System Simulator; conduct hands-on exercises for past flash flood events; prepare flash flood bulletins for the issuance of flash flood warnings; perform validation studies; and obtain feedback from the participants for future development.




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