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Technical Cooperation Workshop for Development of the Caribbean Regional Cooperation Programme in Multi-Hazard Early Warning System

Accra Beach Hotel and Spa

Rockley, Christ Church, Barbados

2-5 November 2010

Last update 14 January 2011


Workshop Documents

Doc 1

Roadmap for the Design of a Caribbean Regional Programme in Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS)

Doc 2

Brochure of the Technical Workshop

Doc 3

Agenda of the Technical Workshop

Doc 4

Preliminary Draft Report of the Assessments of the Capacities, Gaps and Needs for the Development of the Caribbean Regional Programme on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems and Phase-I Project Priorities. Focus on Hydrometeorological hazards warning systems and possible linkages with other warning systems.


Doc 5

Guidance for Participants and Preparations for the Workshop (Panels and Working Groups).

Doc 6

Questions and Issues to be addressed during the Working Group Sessions.
Presentations of the Sessions
Session 1
Opening and introduction

"Background, Objectives, structure and working arrangementsof the training workshop" by Dr Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO)

"Status report of Tropical Storm Tomas " by Dr Jose Rubiera (representing WMO Hurricane Committee)

Session 2
Review of the assessment of the institutional capacities, gaps and needs in MHEWS in the Caribbean

"Review of the Outcome of the Assessments and Consultations for Development of the Caribbean Regional MHEWS Programme and Priorities for Phase I project" by Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO) with James Douris and Jean-Noel Degrace (WMO Consultants)

"Preliminary results of the Telecommunications Survey in the Caribbean conducted by NOAA-NWS" by Mr. Dan Beardsley (NOAA-NWS)

Panel 1

"CDEMA" by Ms Andria Grosvenor (CDEMA)


"UNDP Caribbean Risk Management Initiative " by Mr Alevandre Vacher (UNDP)

"UNDP Regional Risk Reduction Initiative " by Mr Alevandre Vacher (UNDP)


"Caribbean Meteorologocal Organisation" by Mr Glendell De Souza (CMO)

Session 3
Operational Cooperation of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Agencies and Service Delivery for MHEWS (National and regional perspectives  
Panel 2

"Presentation of the common gaps, needs and priorities identified in the analysis of the assessments projects and consultations with the participating countries/territories and regional agencies" - Dr. Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO) with James Douris and Jean-Noel Degrace (WMO Consultants)

Finnish experience with operational cooperation of Finnish Meteorological Service and DRM Agency of Finland and development of Quality Management Systems - Dr. Martti Heikinheimo (FMI)

French West Indies experience with operational cooperation of Météo-France and French Civil Security and QMS

- Lt-Col Philippe Cova (French Civil Security)

- Ms Daniele Carnino (Météo-France)




Opportunities for strengthening NMHS/DRM operational cooperation: Experiences from the USA - Mr. Lynn Maximuk (NOAA-NWS)

Training Programmes across NMHS and DRM agencies - Mr. Tim Spangler (Comet)

Common Alert Protocols - Eliot Christian (WMO)

Capacity development in QMS/SOPs and service delivery framework of NMHS to DRM Agencies in the Caribbean - Samuel Muchemi (WMO)

Working Group Session

Outcomes of working Group A

Outcomes of working Group B

Outcomes of working Group C

Session 4
Risk Analysis, Data Management and Exchange Issues to support DRM and EWS with Multi-Hazard Approach (National and regional perspectives)  
Panel 3

"Presentation of the common gaps, needs and priorities identified in the analysis of the assessments projects and consultations with the participating countries/territories and regional agencies" - Dr. Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO) with James Douris and Jean-Noel Degrace (WMO Consultants)

Experience with development of probabilistic risk modeling in Caribbean and other regions and experience and challenges in Data Management systems

- Ms. Sahar Safaie ( World Bank)

- Mr. Galen Burr Evans (World Bank)




Drought Risk Assessment – Mr Adrian Trotman (CIMH)

Application of Risk Analysis and Modeling in the insurance sector -Ms. Ekhosuehi Iyahen (CCRIF)

Reflections  in support of Hazard and Risk analysis in the Caribbean

    - Carib-Hycos (Dr. Jean-Pierre Bricquet)

    - RAIV WIGOS Task Team (Mr. Glendell De Souza)



Working Group Session

Outcomes of working Group A

Outcomes of working Group B

Outcomes of working Group C

Session 5
Monitoring, Forecasting and Watch and Warning Systems (National and regional perspectives)  
Panel 4

"Presentation of the common gaps, needs and priorities identified in the analysis of the assessments projects and consultations with the participating countries/territories and regional agencies" - Dr. Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO) with James Douris and Jean-Noel Degrace (WMO Consultants)

Hydro-meteorological Forecasting and Opportunities for Climate Analysis - Mr. Shawn Boyce (CIMH)

Progress and development with monitoring and forecasting of tsunamis in the Caribbean region - Dr. Lorna Inniss (UNESCO-IOC)

Opportunities for strengthening of regional cooperation in  forecasting for Hydro-meteorological hazards (e.g., Sever weather, FFG, marine and coastal related hazards) and related training

– Mr. Peter Chen (WMO)

- Mr. Edgard Cabrera (WMO)




Challenges and opportunities for coordination  of Watch and Warning Systems in the Caribbean:

- WMO RSMC Miami - Hurricane Centre (Lynn Maximuk, NOAA-NWS)

- Contribution of the Hurricane Committee (Dr. Jose Rubiera, RA IV Rep of Hurricane Committee)




Reflections on the outcomes and relevance of various regional observation programmes and projects to support EWS - Mr. Glendell De Souza (CMO)

Hydro-Meteorology and Sustainable Development in the Caribbean - Dr. Davil Farrel (CIMH)

Working Group Session

Outcomes of working Group A

Outcomes of working Group B

Outcomes of working Group C

Session 6
Final Synthesis and Recommendations  

"Review of the overall outcomes of the technical workshop and way forward " - Dr. Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO)

Background Documents

Ref 1

Final Report of the Training Workshop on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems with focus on Institutional Partnerships and Coordination, March 22-25, 2010, Costa Rica

Ref 2

All-Hazards, All-Media Public Warning Standard Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) as a "universal adaptor"
Administrative and Logistical Information

Inf 1

Information Note for Participants (Hotel, Transport, Insurance, etc)


For any additional information please contact:

Dr Maryam Golnaraghi
Chief, Chief of Disaster Risk Reduction Division
World Meteorological Organization
7bis,avenue de la Paix
Case postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel: + 41-(0) 22-730-8006
Fax: + 41-(0) 22-730-8128
Email: mgolnaraghi@wmo.int




World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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