Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Programme world map
Programmes > DRR >

South-East Asia (SEA)

SEA is particularly prone to disasters caused by meteorological, hydrological and climate-related hazards, with significant economic implication across socio-economic sectors which drive the economies in this region. In the context of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015) as well as increasing risks associated with the hydro-meteorological hazards and conditions related to climate variability and change, the governments and development agencies are shifting their priorities toward strengthening of the meteorological hydrological and climate observing networks and services to support development decision making. With consideration for the high resource requirements for development and sustainability of such services and need for trans-boundary cooperation, there are significant opportunities through strengthened regional coordination, cooperation and capacities of regional centres that benefit the countries. Such leveraging can be realized through enhanced coordination in monitoring, data exchange, sharing of good practices, leveraging technical resources and cascading of best tools and methodologies through regional products and services, which constitute the essence of this project. The project aims to enhance these capacities in six developing countries in Southeast Asia, including Viet Nam, Cambodia, the People's Democratic Republic of Lao, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines.

Building on the extensive WMO operational institutional network supporting Southeast Asia, WMO aims to facilitate increased application of meteorological, hydrological, and climate knowledge in the decision-making processes of governments and targeted socio-economic sectors, at national and regional levels. This would require increased coordination and cooperation among WMO regional networks and partners to provide meteorological, hydrological, and climate information to women and men as target users. Execution of the activities will emphasize socio-economic sectors’ participation so that knowledge sharing, assessment, synthesis, and communication will be responsive to the priorities and decision-making needs of the sectors within the direct beneficiaries and regional agencies and centres. To realize these goals, the following will be achieved:

      • Increased understanding among WMO regional networks and partners on the essential technical requirements for information tools, products and services needed for target sectors;
      • Increased access to, and use of tools, products and services for regional flood management information systems;
      • Increased access to and use of tools, products and services for informed decision-making in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation planning; and
      • Increased access to and use of tools, products and services for severe weather management and planning.
Increased regional dialogue and agreements for the exchange of meteorological, hydrological and climate monitoring data and information.




World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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