This project considered the Western Balkans and Turkey which are exposed to a range of similar natural hazards, including heavy precipitation causing floods and landslides, droughts and forest fires, earthquakes, prolonged cold and heat waves, severe thunderstorms and hailstorms. Disasters caused by hydrometeorological and climate-related hazards have a significant economic impact in this region in key sectors (agriculture, transport, water management, energy, tourism, finance). Disasters in this region are often of cross-border in nature and caused by a number of natural hazards such as floods and fires, droughts, heat waves and cold spells.
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo (as defined by UNSCR 1244/99), and Turkey |
Project Focus
Following WMO integrated capacity development approach, SEE project phase I has focused on:
(a) National and regional governance and institutional frameworks
(b) Partnership and service delivery agreements with national DRR user community (users)
(c) Core operational components
Thematically, the focus has been on flood and drought risk assessment and on early warning system |

Schematic representation of linkages between meteorological services and DRR stakeholders |
SEE Project Phase II will expand its focus to:
(a) Partnership and service delivery agreements with national DRR user community (users);
(b) Core and specialized products and services for DRR decision support;
(c) Partnership agreements with other national technical agencies as well as global and regional specialized centres with standard operating procedures.
Thematically, the focus will expand to disaster risk financing and sectoral planning |