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Programmes > HWRP > floods > FFGS > Central Asia FFG

South Asia Flash Flood Guidance (SAsiaFFG) System


In the South Asia region, flash floods account for a significant portion of the lives lost and property damages that result from flooding. Given that flash floods can occur at any time or place with disastrous results, there is an urgent need to prioritize efforts that aim to improve early warnings capabilities. Improvements help society to cope with flash flood threats by enabling the mandated national authorities to undertake appropriate measures, thereby contributing to protecting the population at risk from the disastrous effects of flash floods.

The South Asia Flash Flood Guidance (SAsiaFFG) System Initial Planning Meeting was held in Katmandu, Nepal on 26-28 November 2012. Representatives of six South Asian countries, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal were represented in the workshop. Participants expressed their interests to participate in SAsiaFFG project, indicating that flash floods cause considerable human losses and property damages.

SAsiaFFG System was developed by the Hydrologic Research Center (HRC) and ran one and half years at its premises in San Diego, USA. The servers were shut down after one and half year of operation because of lack of regional collaboration and cooperation to make progress in the regional implementation of the system.
National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of the regional countries expressed the importance of the project and wished to move forward for the regional implementation. Therefore, first Steering Committee Meeting (SCM1) planned to be held in New Delhi, India from 26 to 28 April 2016.

First Steering Committee Meeting (SCM1)

The objectives of this meeting were to: review the outcomes and status of the SAsiaFFG initial planning meeting to move forward for the development and implementation of the system; review theoretical basis of the Flash Flood Guidance System; explore in detail, through presentations and discussions, the FFG products, their development methodology, and the interpretation and validation approaches to provide feedback for their further development; allow a better understanding of the needs of high resolution modelling, including its domains, to support the SAsiaFFG application; seek the possibility of using the high resolution mesoscale NWP QPF products in SAsiaFFG project; and explore the availability of local historical hydrometeorlogical data to be ingested into the system.

Follow-up Operational Workshop South Asia Region Flash Flood Guidance (SAsiaFFG) System

The objectives of this meeting were to: explore in detail, through presentations and discussions the SAsiaFFG products, their development methodology and review of the technical background, operationally use the SAsiaFFG products through hands-on exercises, review and evaluation of the SAsiaFFG products for elected past events through case studies, performance evaluation of the participants who successfully completed Step 2 and Step 3 training to become a qualified WMO certified trainer.



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