Task Team on the Application of Metadata - Meeting 2.

The Task Team on the Application of Metadata is a sub-team of the Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata and Data Representation Development.

This second, and final, meeting of the TT-ApMD will be held from 25-28 June 2013 at the Japan Meteorological Agency in Tokyo.

Final report

The final report is available on the main WMO website.

Administrative information

Location: JMA Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan.
Date: 25 June 2013 to 28 June 2013
Opening: 09:00 25 June 2013
Closing: 17:00 28 June 2013
Meeting Room:
Chair: Eizi Toyoda
Local contact: Jitsuko Hasegawa
WMO contact: Steve Foreman.

Information for participants:
* Applying for a visa. Please complete the linked visa support form and send it to the email addresses at the bottom of the form.

If are a member of TT-ApMD and your Permanent Representative has not received an invitation to the meeting and you wish to participate at your own expense, you can register using this form that will be sent to the Director of WIS who will consider your request.

Work Plan

Expected time of discussion of agenda items.
Day 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
Tuesday 1 2 2 2 X 3.1 3.2 3.2
Wednesday 4.3 4.3 3.3 3.4 X 3.5 3.6, 3.7 Tour
Thursday 3.8, 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.2 X 5 5 6
Friday Final report

Draft Agenda

Item Topic Document Lead/Author
1 Organization of the meeting Chair
1.1 Opening of the meeting Chair
1.2 Approval of the agenda Agenda (print version) Secretariat
1.3 Working arrangements Chair
2 Validation of WMO Core Profile 1.3 Doc 2.1 UML Toyoda
2.1 Key points of Core Profie 1.3 Part 1
Part 2
2.2 Automated validation Doc 2.2(1) (May be web link)
European Community INSPIRE validation tool
2.3 Publication of validation tool Doc 2.3(1) (May be web link) Toyoda
3 Publication of guidance
3.1 Categories of guidance needed Doc 3.1(1) Aubert
3.2 Consistency
Synoptic information
Upper air
Doc 3.2(0)
Doc 3.2(1)
Doc 3.2(1a)
Doc 3.2(2)
Doc 3.2(3)
Doc 3.2(5)
Pan, Toyoda, Wang
3.3 Satellite information Doc 3.3(1)
Doc 3.3(2)
3.4 Climate information Doc 3.4(1)
Doc 3.4(2)
3.5 GAW Doc 3.5(1)
Doc 3.5(2)
Doc 3.5(3)
3.6 Hydrology
3.7 Documents and Standards Doc 3.7(1)
Doc 3.7(2)
3.8 Products (model analyses, forecasts, ensembles and other products) Doc 5(2)
Doc3.8(1) Presentation
Doc 3.8(3)
Doc 3.8(4)
3.9 Extensions to code lists Doc 3.9(1) Wilson
4 Training plan for WMO Core Metadata Profile
4.1 Formal documents Doc 4.1(1) Toyoda
4.2 Wiki guides This item uses Doc 4.1(1) Toyoda
4.3 Guide to WIS metadata
Curriculum/competences Doc 4.3(1) Colavecchia
Standard Presentations Discussion
Doc 4.3(2)
Doc 4.3(3)
Doc 4.3(4)
Doc 4.3(5)
Recorded sessions Discussion
List of expert speakers Discussion
5 Creating Vol C1 from metadata catalogue Doc 5(1) Wilson
5.1 Missing information See Doc 5(1)
Doc 5(3) annex CSV presentation
5.2 Procedures for notification See Doc 5(1) Wilson
5.3 Tools required See Doc 5(1) Wilson
6 Any Other Business
7 Closure of meeting Doc 7(1)
Doc 7(2) finalized version to ET-WISC

Meeting documents

  T Name Last Modified Other Sorts
Actions application/msword _Document format
Format for Word documents to be submitted to TT-ApMD-2
Wed 08 of May, 2013 Information
Actions application/pdf Doc 02.01
Validation of WMO Core Profile 1.3
Mon 17 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions text/html Doc 02.02(1)
Example output from rubric to assess WMO metadata
Thu 13 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.0(3)
GAW categories
Fri 21 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/ Doc 03.01(1)
Categories for WIS Discovery Metadata.
Wed 08 of May, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.02(0)
Guidance on the recommended approach to resolve inconsistencies among metadata presented in report on “A comparison of WIS Metadata versions” submitted by CMA
Thu 20 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.02(1)
Guidance for synoptic surface information
Fri 21 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions text/xml Doc 03.02(1a)
Example XML for surface synoptic observation
Fri 21 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.03(1)
Metadata for satellite products
Wed 19 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/x-zip-compressed Doc 03.03(2)
Example metadata for satellite products (two xml files in a zip container)
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.04(1)
Climate Information
Thu 20 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.04(2)
Specifications of CDMS
Thu 20 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/x-zip-compressed Doc 03.05(1)
Sample GAW metadata records.
Wed 08 of May, 2013 Information
Actions application/pdf Doc 03.05(2)
Feedback on GAW metadata records
Wed 08 of May, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.07(1)
Documents and standards. This document outlines the different types of documentation in the WMO regulatory system.
Tue 11 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions text/xml Doc 03.07(2)
Example metadata record for a WMO Manual (Manual on Codes V I.1 Part A)
Tue 18 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.08(1)
Description of products
Fri 21 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 03.08(2)
Automatic generation of metadata from Volume C1 and List of Additional Products or Advanced Notification files/
Thu 20 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/ Doc 03.08(3)
Automated generation of metadata records from reference data. Author: Heene
Thu 20 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/x-zip-compressed Doc 03.08(4)
Example metadata for GRIB information generated by automated tool.
Thu 20 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 04.01
Formal documents and wiki contents
Tue 18 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 04.03(1)
Topics for discussion for training and competency
Wed 19 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/ Doc 04.03(2)
Presentation used in Canada on WIS
Wed 19 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/ Doc 04.03(3)
Presentation used in Canada on WIS metadata
Wed 19 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/ Doc 04.03(4)
Canadian template for creating WIS Discovery Metadata
Wed 19 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/ Doc 04.03(5)
Example of completed Canadian WIS Discovery Metadata template for SYNOP
Wed 19 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 05(1)
Creating Volume C1 from Metadata
Sat 22 of Jun, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 07(01)
Draft of Final Report of TT-ApMD-2 - the final report is now available from the main WMO web site (see
Mon 15 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Doc 07(02) - draft 2
Draft report to E-WISC
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Doc 07(02) - submitted to ET-WISC
ET WISC2013 Doc36 rev2. Report to ET-WISC from TT-ApMD (members comment reflected)
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 3.5(3)
GAW Experience - proposed additon to WMO_CategoryCode and other keywords
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Doc 3.9(1)
Extension to code list
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/msword Doc 5(2)
Use in WWW Monitoring and maintenance of Metadata
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions text/csv Doc 5(2) appendix
appendix to Doc 5(2) - monitoring result
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Inf 00.1
Please submit this form to the email addresses at the bottom of the document. This will allow JMA to support your visa application.
Tue 07 of May, 2013 Information
Actions application/pdf Inf 00.2
Local information for participants in TT-ApMD-2.
Tue 07 of May, 2013 Information
Actions application/pdf TTApMD-2-Doc03.8(1P)
WIS metadata for NWP products
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information
Actions application/pdf TTApMD-2-Doc05(2P)
Volume C1 from WIS metadata - use case based approach
Wed 10 of Jul, 2013 Information

Reference documents

Local Times - For Teleconferencing

Tokyo Melbourne Beijing Hong Kong Moscow Geneva / Offenbach Toronto Santiago Boulder
UTC+9 UTC+10 UTC+8 UTC+8 UTC+4 UTC+2 UTC-4 UTC-4 UTC-6
09:00 10:00 08:00 08:00 04:00 02:00 20:00 20:00 18:00
10:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 05:00 03:00 21:00 21:00 19:00
11:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 06:00 04:00 22:00 22:00 20:00
12:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 07:00 05:00 23:00 23:00 21:00
13:00 14:00 12:00 12:00 08:00 06:00 00:00 00:00 22:00
14:00 15:00 13:00 13:00 09:00 07:00 01:00 01:00 23:00
15:00 16:00 14:00 14:00 10:00 08:00 02:00 02:00 00:00
16:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 11:00 09:00 03:00 03:00 01:00
17:00 18:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 10:00 04:00 04:00 02:00