ISO Rubric Report for WMO Profile 1.3

The WMO Rubric report identifies ISO metadata elements recommended for creating discovery type metadata. The elements defined in this report are based upon the WMO Profile version 1.3. The goal of this report is to assist WMO metadata authors with creating and improving metadata documentation. The rubric tests for WMO Profile constraints and provides authors with a conformance score along with a metadata improvement recommendations. In the future WMO may include rubrics categories for additional metadata types, such as data quality and station history.

The rubric report groups validation tests into the following four categories (spirals): Encoding Compliance, Mandatory Element Compliance, Discovery Compliance, and Global Exchange Compliance. The categories and profile tests are defined in the WMO Core Metadata profile version 1.3 Specification.

The table at the top of the report summarizes the results. Each spiral is represented by a row in the rubric. The color coded cell in each row indicates the percent of validation tests passed for the spiral. This report is a prototype. The tests for the Encoding Compliance and Global Exchange Compliance spirals have not been implented yet. These spirals have a score value of 'n/a'.

The Mandatory Element Compliance and Discovery Compliance spirals are functioning. The score field is color coded green for pass and red for fail. If a test does not pass validation, the recommendation field provides metadata authors with improvement guidance. The maximum score for this rubric will be 22 when Encoding Compliance and Global Exchange Compliance validation tests are implemented. As presently constitued the maximum score is 14

This report is produced using this stylesheet. Please contact John Kozimor if you have questions or suggestions.

Title: ABNT20 TEXT bulletin available from KNHC (MIAMI, FL (NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER)) at 05, 11, 17 and 22 UTC

WMO Profile 1.3 Score: 6/22

Spiral None 1-33% 34-66% 67-99% All
Encoding Compliance
Mandatory Element Compliance
Discovery Compliance
Global Exchange Compliance

Encoding Compliance: 0/4

Score Profile Test Requirement Recommendation
n/a 6.1.1 Metadata record shall validate without error against the XML schemas defined in ISO/TC 19139:2007. Validate the metadata record with the ISO 19139:2007 schema.
n/a 6.1.2 Metadata record shall validate without error against the rule-based constraints listed in ISO/TS 19139:2007 Annex A (Table A.1). Correct any errors displayed below in the 'Mandatory Element Compliance' section.
n/a 6.2.1 Metadata record shall name explicitly all namespaces used within the record; use of default namespaces is prohibited. Add a namespace prefix to all metadata elements.
n/a 6.3.1 Metadata record shall declare the following XML namespace for GML: Define the gml namespace as follows:

Mandatory Element Compliance: 3/8

Score Table A.1 Rownum Element Definition Recommendation
1 1 MD_Metadata Root entity which defines metadata about a resource or resources Change the root element to: gmd:MD_Metadata
1 2 fileIdentifier Unique identifier for this metadata file Add a unique metadata identifier:
1 6 hierarchyLevel Scope to which the metadata applies Add a hierarchyLevel scope code:
0 8 contact Party responsible for the metadata Add a metadata contact:
0 9 datestamp Date that the metadata was created or revised Add a metadata dateStamp
0 10 metadataStandardName name of the metadata standard (including profile name) used Add value 'ISO 19115:2003/19139' to metadataStandardName element:
0 11 metadataStandardVersion Version of the metadata standard (version of the profile) used Add value '1.3' to metadataStandardVersion element:
0 15 identificationInfo (role) Basic information about the resource(s) to which the metadata applies Add a resource identification role code

Discovery Compliance: 3/6

Score Profile Test Requirement Recommendation
1 8.1.1 The metadata record shall include one gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier attribute. Include just one fileIdentifier element
1 8.1.2 The gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier element for each Metadata record shall be unique within the WIS. Update the fileIdentifier uuid value
0 8.2.1 The metadata record shall include at least one keyword from the WMO_CategoryCode codelist and the keyword thesaurus shall be set to WMO_CategoryCode. Set a keyword thesaurus value to 'WMO_CategoryCode'
Set at least one keyword value to a WMO_Category Code
0 8.2.2 Keywords from WMO_CategoryCode code list shall be defined as keyword type “theme”. Set keyword type to 'theme' when keyword thesaurus is WMO_CategoryCode
n/a 8.2.3 All keywords sourced from a particular keyword thesaurus shall be grouped into a single instance of the MD_Keywords class. Consolodate all WMO Category Keywords into a single MD_Keywords object where the thesaurus name is WMO_CategoryCode
1 8.2.4 Metadata record describing geographic data shall include the description of at least one geographic bounding box defining the spatial extent of the data. Add a bounding box to define the spatial extent of the data
0 8.2.5 All information contained within a metadata record shall, as a minimum, be provided in English within the metadata record. Document the metadata record in English and define the language code as english

Global Exchange Compliance: 0/4

Score Profile Test Requirement Recommendation
n/a 9.1.1 Metadata record shall indicate the scope of distribution using the keyword “GlobalExchange” of type “dataCentre” from thesaurus WMO_DistributionScopeCode. Add a MD_Keywords object where thesaurusName is 'WMO_DistributionScopeCode', keywordTypeCode is 'dataCentre' and keyword is 'GlobalExchange'
n/a 9.2.1 "Metadata record shall have a gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier attribute formatted as follows (where {uid} is a unique identifier derived from the GTS bulletin or file name): urn:xwmo: md:int.wmo.wis::{uid}." Format the metadata fileIdentifier with this pattern 'urn:xwmo: md:int.wmo.wis::{uid}'
n/a 9.3.1 Metadata record shall indicate the WMO Data License as Legal Constraint (type: “otherConstraints”) using one and only one term from the WMO_DataLicenseCode code list. Populate the otherConstraints element with one of the following values; WMOEssential, WMOAdditional or WMOOther
n/a 9.3.2 Metadata record shall indicate the GTS Priority as Legal Constraint (type: “otherConstraints”) using one and only one term from the WMO_GTSProductCategoryCode code list. Populate a second otherConstraints element with one of the following values; GTSPriority1, GTSPriority2, GTSPriority3 or GTSPriority4