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Black Sea and Middle East Flash Flood Guidance (BSMEFFG) Project

BSMEFFG Istanbul Urban Flash Flood Early Warning System and Riverine Routing Multi-Agency Consortium Meetings Istanbul and Trabzon, Turkey, 14-18 August 2017

Multi-Agency meetings of the Istanbul Urban Flash Flood Early Warning System and Harsit Riverine Routing of the BSMEFFG System were held in Istanbul Turkey from 14 to 15 August 2017 and in Trabzon from 16 to 18, respectively. They were attended by representatives of the Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), Istanbul Municipality Disaster Coordination Centre (AKOM), General Directorate of State Water Works (DSI), and Istanbul and Trabzon regional directorates of TSMS and DSI as well as WMO.

Documents & Presentations

Second Steering Committee Meeting of The Black Sea and Middle East Flash Flood Guidance (BSMEFFG) Project and Flash Flood Guidance Training for the Jordan Meteorological Department Amman, Jordan, 11-13 April 2017

The Black Sea and Middle East Flash Flood Guidance (BSMEFFG) System Initial Planning Meeting was held in Istanbul, Turkey on 29-31 March 2010. Six Black Sea and Middle East countries, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iraq, Lebanon, and Turkey, were represented in the meeting.

The second Steering Committee Meeting (SCM 2) and Step 5 training, which also included experts from the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD), were held in Amman, Jordan from 11 to 13 April 2017. The objectives of this meeting were to: review the development and implementation status of the BSMEFFG system; use its products in preparation of daily flash flood forecasts and warnings through case study presentations; familiarize participants with the Flash Flood Guidance System Simulator; conduct hands-on exercises for past flash flood events; prepare flash flood bulletins for the issuance of flash flood warnings; perform validation studies; obtain feedback from the participants for possible further development; and evaluate performance of a hydrometeorologist from Turkey, who successfully completed FFG Step-2 and Step-3 training, to be qualified for the certified WMO FFG Trainer.



First Steering Committee Meeting (SCM 1) of The Black Sea and Middle East Flash Flood Guidance (BSMEFFG) System Tbilisi, Georgia, 28-30 June 2016

Documents and Presentations



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