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Workshop "Agrometeorologists for farmers in hotter, drier, wetter future"

9-10 November 2016

Ljubljana, Slovenia


Group photo

About the Workshop


Day 1

Opening session

Solco W. Tromp foundation - Wop J. Rietveld

Slovenian Environment Agency, Meteorological Office - Klemen Bergant

World Meteorological Organization - Jose Camacho

Food and Agriculture Organization- Mariko Fujisawa

Morning session

Climate change impacts on agriculture in Europe - Blaž Kurnik, European Environment Agency

How earth observation can support agrometeorological services? - Wolfgang Wagner, Vienna University of Technology

FAO perspectives: from climate information to climate impacts on agriculture and food security- Mariko Fujisawa, FAO

Weather risk and agriculture, strategic use of climate information - Marina Baldi, CNR, The Institute of Biometeorology

Afternoon session

Meteorological assisstance to agriculture in Morocco - Omar Chafki, Direction de la Météorologie Nationale, Morocco

The Romanian agrometeorological services and products - current status and challenges in the context of climate change - Elena Mateescu, National Meteorological Administration

An overview of agricultural meteorology in Ireland - Keith Lambkin, Met Eireann

Paralel sessions: country reports

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska









Republic of Moldova

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia



Day 2

Morning session

Pan to Penman-Monteith - transition of irrigation coefficients in Israel - Yiftach Ziv, Israel Meteorological Service

Crop modelling and monitoring for agri-climate services - Anne Gobin, VITO

Agriculture in changing climate - Branislava Lalić, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia

Drought Management Centre for Southeastern Europe – support to agrometeorologists - Andreja Sušnik, Slovenian Environment Agency

Plenary session

Groups reports

Afternoon Closing session

Conclusions & Recommendations

Excursion to Phenological park Ljubljana – Guide and moderator, Ana Žust

DMCSEE informal meeting – Andreja Sušnik and Gregor Gregorič


Day 3

DMCSEE informal meeting – Andreja Sušnik and Gregor Gregorič

WMO RA VI TT meeting – Josef Eitzinger


Summary of discussions












World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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