TT-WIS-MD (First meeting of TT-MDS and TT-MDG)
This is a joint meeting of the Task Teams on MetaData Search and MetaData Guidance.
TT-MDS Chair:
TT-MDG Chair:
WMO & Webex contact:
Enrico Fucile (WMO)
Location: WMO, 7 bis Avenue de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 13-15 November 2019
Time: 0930 am | Europe Time
Key Objectives
- Define a set of KPIs for the metadata to measure quality of the metadata with the aim to improve
discoverability and usability of data and metadata.
- Develop the metadata standard to meet WIS2.0 requirements.
To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone:
Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
Global Numbers:
Meeting ID: 410 437 717
Participant Passcode: 7682
Room System or
Meeting ID: 410 437 717
Participant Passcode : 7682
Documents for participants
Item Title
1 Item 1 - Opening
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2 Item 2 - GitHub
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3 Item 3 - WIS metadata KPIs
4 Item 4 - WMCP 1.4
5 Item 5 - Migration to ISO-19115-3
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6 Item 6 - Workplan
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Guillaume AUBERT co-Chair EUMETSAT
Kate ROBERTS co-Chair Australia
Kai-Thorsten WIRT Germany teleconference
Antje SCHREMMER Germany teleconference
Frédéric GUILLAUD France
Jan KOROSI HMEI teleconference
Jan USUSKY HMEI teleconference
Tom Kralidis Canada teleconference
Marta Gutierrez ECMWF
Enrico FUCILE WMO Secretariat
Please use the document and presentation templates for the meeting.
If you need to update a document, please re-submit it as a new document with the same name. The meeting organizer will use the latest version available at the time the meeting website is updated.
The form allows you to submit a document and a presentation at the same time. You may submit them separately if you wish.
Please make sure that you submit the document to the right meeting.
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