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WMO Technical Progress Report on

the Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS)

and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Research


List of contributions received since 2001, with link to the most recent report


Following a recommendation of some members, as a measure to avoid duplication of efforts, it was agreed to combine two important reports - the Annual WWW Tecnical Progress Report on the Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and the Annual Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Progress Report - into one, starting with the report for the year 2005.

This new combined annual publication will serve as a means of updating the rapidly evolving facilities, research and services being implemented at GDPFS/NWP Centres as requirements and technology advance.

It will also provide to operational experts and researchers up-to-date information on the status of implementation of operational equipment and related facilities including analysis-forecast systems at the GDPFS/NWP Centres, as well as their research and development efforts in the area of understanding of physical processes, models and techniques for operational numerical weather prediction.




ECMWF (2008)
Algeria (2008)
Kyrgyz Rep. (2004)
Argentina (2008)
Latvia (2007)
Armenia (2007)
Lithuania (2008)
Australia (2008)
Madagascar (2008)
Austria (2008)
Malaysia (2008)
Belarus (2005)
Montenegro (2008)
Belgium (2008)
Morocco (2006)
Mozambique (2007)
Botswana (2007)
Netherlands (2003)
Brazil (2003)
Oman (2008)
Bulgaria (2006)
Pakistan (2006)
Canada (2008)
Panama (2005)
Chile (2008)
Peru (2007)
China (2008)
Poland (2008)
Côte d'IVoire (2004)
Portugal (2006)
Croatia (2006)
Romania (2004)
Denmark (2008)
Ecuador (2008)
Egypt (2008)
Saudi Arabia (2008)
Estonia (2008)
Serbia (2008)
Finland (2008)
Singapore (2008)
France (2008)
Slovakia (2007)
Georgia (2004)
Spain (2008)
Germany (2008)
Sri Lanka (2008)
Greece (2008)
Sweden (2008)
Switzerland (2008)
Hungary (2008)
Thailand (2008)
India (2004)
Tunisia (2003)
Iran (2006)
Turkey (2008)
Ireland (2007)
Israël (2007)
United States (2007)
Italy (2008)
Uruguay (2008)
Japan (2008)
Uzbekistan (2008)
Kazakhstan (2007)
Kenya (2005)



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