Central Asia Region Flash Flood Guidance (CARFFG) System
In the Central Asia region, flash floods account for a significant portion of the lives lost and property damages that result from natural disasters. Given that flash floods can occur at any time or place with disastrous results, there is an urgent need to prioritize efforts that aim to improve early warnings capabilities. Improvements help society cope with flash flood threats by enabling the mandated national authorities to undertake appropriate measures, thereby contributing to protecting the population at risk from the disastrous effects of flash floods. Project BriefThe purpose of this project is the development and implementation of regional flash flood guidance and early warning systems. The approach will entail development of regional technology, training, protocols and procedures to help mitigate the impacts from flash flooding. The application of such a system allows the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of the participating countries to provide timelymearly warnings of flash flooding. Specifically, the countries to be included in the Central Asia Region Flash Flood Guidance (CARFFG) System project are proposed to be the following: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
Planning WorkshopBased on the desirability and need for the establishment of a regional flash flood guidance system for Central Asia, a planning workshop organized by WMO was held from 5 to 7 May 2015. The workshop was hosted by the Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS) in Ankara, allowing participants the opportunity of visiting the premises of the TSMS to experience first-hand system operations and observe the functioning of a Regional Centre. This tour of an operational centre was made possible as TSMS is currently hosting the regional centres for the Black Sea and Middle East Flash Flood Guidance (BMSEFFG) system and South East Europe Flash Flood Guidance (SEEFFG) system. PresentationsDay 1
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Day 3 First Steering Commite MeetingBased on the CARFFG system implementation plan adapted at the planning workshop, the first CARFFG system Steering Committee Meeting (SCM 1) was organized by WMO in Astana, Kazakhstan from 14 to 16 September 2015. The SCM consists of the focal points of each participating NMHSs or their alternates and representatives of the partner organizations, namely HRC, USAID/OFDA, US NWS and WMO. The purposes of this meeting were: to review the theoretical basis of the Flash Flood Guidance System; to explore in detail, through presentations and discussions, the project products, their development methodology, and the interpretation and validation approaches to provide feedback for their further development; to allow a better understanding of the needs of high resolution modelling, including its domains, to support the CARFFGS application; and to seek the possibility of using the QPF and other products of COSMO Limited Area Model in CARFFGS. The SCM 1 also represents Step 1 of the flash flood hydrometeorological training programme.
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Second Steering Commite MeetingThe objectives of this meeting were to: review the development and implementation status of the CARFFG system; use of its products in operation through case study presentation and hands-on exercises of the past flash flood events; prepare flash flood bulletins for the issuance of flash flood warnings; perform validation studies; and obtain feedbacks from the participants for further developments. The SCM 2 also represents step one training of the flash flood hydrometeorologist training programme. PresentationsDay 1
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CARFFG Operational Training at HRCFollow-up Operational Workshop Central Asia Region Flash Flood Guidance (Carffg) SystemThe objectives of this meeting were to: review the theoretical basis of the Flash Flood Guidance System; explore in detail, through presentations and discussions, the CARFFG products, their development methodology, and the interpretation and validation approaches to provide feedback for their future development; operational use of the CARFFG products through hands-on exercises; allow a better understanding of the needs of high resolution modelling, including its domains; review and evaluate the CARFFG products for the past flash flood events through case studies; and evaluate the performances of participants who successfully completed Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) Step-2 and Step-3 training to be qualified as WMO certified FFG Trainers.
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