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Kick-off meeting – Task 6: Design a Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System composed of harmonized National Early Warning Systems


Building Resilience to Disasters in Western Balkans and Turkey


29-30 May 2013
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Skopje)


Meeting Documents


Agenda pdf
Description of activities of Design Team pdf
Maryam Gholnaragi, WMO Chief DRR Programme ppt
Dimitar Ivanov, WMO Chief Regional Office for Europe ppt
Measurements at MeteoSwiss and its application for natural hazards Part 1 ppt
Measurements at MeteoSwiss and its application for natural hazards Part 2 ppt
Mandate and Activities of RHMS RS in providing information in hazardous situation - Republic Hydro-Meteorological Service of Republika Srpska ppt
Example of Early Warning System in South East Europe: Croatia ppt
Hydrometeorological Service of Macedonia Integrated in Crisis Management and Protection and Rescue System ppt
Establishment of The Design Team on The Design of Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System: Some Considerations About the Actual Progress Related to the Hydro & Meteorological Monitoring Networks in Albania ppt
National Presentation Montenegro ppt
RHMS OF Serbia Hydro-Meteorological Warning System ppt

Background Documents


Social-economic Benefits of Hydro-Meteorological Services - The Benefits of Showing the Benefits - WMO RA VI Working Group on Service Delivery & Partnership Task Team Social-Economic Benefits (TT-SEB)  
Strengthening Institutional Partnerships and Working Arrangement of NMHS for enhanced and user-driven Service Delivery for DRR - WMO DRR Programme pdf







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