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NMHSs’ Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction Coordination Mechanisms and Early Warning Systems

26-28 November 2007, WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
(Room C2, Basement Floor)

Meeting Documents Link
Provisional Annotated Agenda doc
Guidelines for Participants doc
Template for Documentation of Case Studies doc
Opening Statement by Prof Hong Yan (Deputy Secretary-General of WMO) doc
Background Material for the Development of Guidelines
Volume I: Recent Developments in Disaster Risk Reduction and Opportunities for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services doc
Volume II: Roles and Upcoming Opportunities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Different Stages of Disaster Risk Reduction doc
Presentations by Panelists
Opening Session
Consultation Process Involving Governments and Agencies prior to Adoption of HFA (Marco Ferrari)
Background and Introductory Remarks (Maryam Golnaraghi) ppt
ITEM 1 - Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA): New Paradigm in DRR
HFA and Strengthened ISDR System: a New Paradigm in Disaster Risk Reduction (Paola Albrito) ppt
Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Opportunities through Partnership between Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies – National Meteorological and Hydrological Services at the National Level ppt
Humanitarian Reform and DRR (Charlotta Benedek) ppt
Roles and Mandate of WMO and NMHSs relevant to Key Activities of HFA (Maryam Golnaraghi) ppt
ITEM 2 - National Legislation and Coordination Mechanisms
India (Sanjiv Nair) ppt
Sri Lanka (Porakara Mudiyanselage Jayatilaka Banda) ppt
Switzerland (Marco Ferrari)  
France (Philippe Boullé) ppt
Poland (Tomasz Walczykiewicz) ppt
Brazil (Lauro Fortes) ppt
USA (Herbert White) ppt
Mozambique (Filipe Lucio) ppt
ITEM 3 - Regional Strategies, Partnerships and Agreements to Support Implementation of HFA at the National Level
Regional and Sub-Regional Strategies for Disaster Reduction in Africa (Martin Owor) ppt
Perspectives for a DRR Regional Strategy in Europe (Paola Albrito) ppt
DRR Strategy in Pacific Islands (Mary Power) ppt
ITEM 4 - International Coordination and Collaborations for Capacity Development in Disaster Risk Reduction
Role of NMHSs with UN Communication Group (Carine Richard-Van Maele) ppt
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (Paola Albrito) ppt
Information Sharing among Agencies for Coordinated Contingency Planning and Early Actions (Heïdi Peugeot) ppt
Global Coordination for Coherent Assistance to National Early Warning Systems (Maryam Golnaraghi) ppt
ITEM 5 - Status of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services’ Capacities in Support of Disaster Risk Reduction
Preliminary Assessment based on WMO National and Regional DRR Surveys  
ITEM 6 - Role of NMHSs in Risk Identification and Assessment
Role of Risk Identification for Development and Implementation of the IGAD Regional Strategy (Laban Ogallo) ppt
Development of a Risk Atlas in India (Sanjiv Nair) ppt
Ongoing Interactions and Feedback between Agencies for Development of Risk Knowledge (Catherine Borretti) ppt
Flood Risk Identification as an Input into Risk Management (Tomasz Walczykiewicz) ppt
Relationships between the US Environmental Hazard Warning Cycle and the Emergency Readiness / Emergency Management Cycle (Herbert White) ppt
ITEM 7 - NMHSs and Other Stakeholders’ Role in Early Warning Systems with Multi-Hazard Approach
Outcome of the Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (Maryam Golnaraghi) ppt
Demonstration Project involving Vigilance System (Catherine Borretti) ppt
Developments in Sri Lanka after the Tsunami (Porakara Mudiyanselage Jayatilaka Banda) ppt
Role of IMGW in Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems with Multi-Hazard Approach (Tomasz Walczykiewicz) ppt
Virtual Centre for Severe Weather Events (Lauro Fortes) ppt
Common Alerting Protocol for Hydrometeorological Hazards (Eliot Christian) ppt
Demonstration Project involving Shanghai Emergency Preparedness System (Yuan Zhaohong) ppt
Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems as a Decision-Making Tool for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (Koumaran Pajaniradja) ppt
Status of Regional and Global Cooperation in Support of Tsunami Early Warning Systems (Kaus Peter Koltermann) ppt
WMO Information System: Linking Users with Hydrometeorological Information and Early Warning Systems (David Thomas) ppt
ITEM 8 - Documentation of Different Practices in Early Warning Systems
Standard Outline for Documentation of Different Practices in Early Warning Systems with a Multi-Hazard Approach doc
ITEM 9 - Synthesis Session
Synthesis and Way Forward ppt
General information
Directions to the WMO building htm
Geneva map htm
Geneva airport htm
Geneva train station htm
Geneva bus network htm
Weather in Geneva htm
Visa requierements htm
Visa application form htm

For any additional information please contact:

Filipe Domingos Freires Lucio
Senior Scientific Officer
World Meteorological Organization
7bis,avenue de la Paix
Case postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel: + 41-(0) 22-730-8579
Fax: + 41-(0) 22-730-8023




World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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