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Workshop on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for Urban Areas

Radisson Europa Hotel and Conference Center

San José, Costa Rica

10-12 December 2013

Last update 17 December 2013

Group Photo

  Workshop Documents Spanish English
Final Report   pdf

Doc 1

Agenda pdf pdf
Doc 2 Concept Note pdf pdf
Doc 3 Discussion Questions for the Working Groups on Capacities, Gaps and Needs for Development of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems in Urban Areas doc doc
Doc 4 Power Point Template for good practices (Session 2) ppt ppt
Inf 1 Information Note for Participants (Hotel, Transport, Insurance, etc) pdf pdf
Inf 2 Participants list   pdf
Presentations and Documents for the Workshop Sessions
Session 1 - Opening and introduction
Objectives, structure, document list and working arrangements of the workshop – Maryam Golnaraghi -World Meteorological Organization (WMO) pdf
Session 2: Background presentations
Early Warning Systems in Central America – Wilfried Strauch - El Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres Naturales en América Central (CEPREDENAC) pdf
Latest Technical Advancements and Opportunities for Development of Multi-Hazard EWS – Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO) pdf
The Organization of American States and Early Warning Systems: The Central American Experience and Decision-making Support Tools - Pablo González - Organization of American States (OAS) pdf
The Regional Committee on Water Resources (CRRH): Regional Activities and Mandates Supporting Early Warning Systems - Patricia Ramirez (CRRH) pdf
Importance of Community Preparedness and Coordination Through National to Local – Daniel Ureña Cot - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) pdf
Session 3: Presentations on good practices in urban MHEWS and lessons learnt
Ten Principals for Effective Early Warning Systems – Maryam Golnaraghi (WMO) pdf
Early Warning System for Hydro-Meteorological Hazards in the Sarapiqui River Basin, Costa Rica – Mr. Juan Carlos Fallas - Director, Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) pdf
Early Warning System of the City of Medellίn, Colombia – Jaime Enrique Gómez Zapata - Subdirector de Conocimiento y Reducción del Riesgo Departamento Administrativo de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (DAGRD) pdf
Early Warning System and the Role of the Cuban Meteorological Service – Magdiel Carrasco pdf
Early Warning System of the City of Santa Fe, Argentina – Luis Eduardo Aguirre Madariaga - Gestión de Riesgo, Municipio de Santa Fe, Argentina pdf
Tendencies and some Observations on Risk Management and Early Warning Systems in the City of Curitiba, Brazil, Brazil – Prof Renato Eugenio de Lima - Secretary of Environment of Curitiba pdf
Early Warning Systems in Chile - Guillermo Madariaga Meza - Subdirector Direccion General de Aguas Ministerio de Obras Publicas pdf
Flood and Landslide Early Warning System of the City of La Paz, Bolivia – Pamela Diana Pozo Luna - Responsable del Sistema de Alerta Temprana (S.A.T.), Unidad Especial de Análisis y Política de Riesgos (U.E.A.P.R.), Dirección Especial de Gestión Integral de Riesgos (D.E.G.I.R.) pdf
Overview of Early Warning Systems and the Role of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Mexico – Antonio Cruz Sanchez - National Weather Service of Mexico pdf
Session 4: Presentations on good practices in urban MHEWS and lessons learnt
Workgroup 1: Outcomes pdf
Workgroup 2: Outcomes pdf
Training Workshop on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems with focus on Institutional Partnerships and Coordination (San Jose , Costa Rica, 22 - 26 March 2010)
Technical Conference on Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems during the XVth Session of WMO Regional Association III (Bogota, Colombia, 20 – 21 Sep)
Mutli-Hazard Early Warning Systems Tools: Publications, National and Regional Assessments related to MHEWS, Presentations & Videos of Good Practices in MHEWS





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