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Proceedings of the Workshop on Warnings of Real-Time Hazards by Using Nowcasting Technology

Sydney, Australia 9-13 October 2006

Papers presented during the workshop

Paper Author(s) Affiliation

A Pilot Project on Nowcasting Techniques for PWS Applications (Concept Paper)


A Hydrometeorological Forecast System for the Metropolitan area of  São Paulo

Augusto J. Pereira Filho *, Oswaldo Massambani, Ricardo Hallak  and Hugo H. Karam University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Early Warning Systems for Natural Disasters in Korea: One of the Nowcasting Applications Dugkeun Park, Ph.D.

National Institute for Disaster Prevention
National Emergency Management Agency
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Short-Range Weather Forecasting at IDEAM, Colombia Humberto Gonzalez

Head, Weather Forecasting and Warnings Office
Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies, IDEAM, Colombia

The Use of Nowcasting Technology for Natural Hazard Mitigation: Jamaican Experience 

Norman Harris

Mines and Geology Division, Jamaica
Very short Period (0-6) forecasts of Thunderstorms  James W. Wilson National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Public Weather Services Workshop on Warning of Real-Time Hazards by Using Nowcasting Technology

K.C.Low Malaysian Meteorological Department

Application of Nowcast Products to Real-time Warning of Hazardous Weather in Hong Kong

M.C. Wong, E.S.T. Lai and P.W. Li Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China

From SWIRLS to RAPIDS : Nowcast Applications Development in Hong Kong

M.C. Wong, W.K. Wong, and Edwin S.T. Lai Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China

Application of Rainstorm Nowcast to Real-time Warning of Landslide Hazards in Hong Kong

(1)Sammy P.Y. Cheung

(2)MC Wong and Linus H.Y. Yeung

(1)Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong, China

(2)Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China

Nowcasting Systems Overview – Forecast Demonstration Projects (FDPs): Sub-theme - Applying the Social Science

Linda J. Anderson-Berry  Bureau of Meteorology Australia

Romania’s Advanced Nowcasting Environment: Observations, Systems and Guidance


Beijing 2008 Olympics WWRP Forecast Demonstration Project: A Brief Introduction 

Wang yubin(1), Wang jianjie(1) ,Xie Pu(1) , Tom Keenan(2) (1) Beijing Meteorological Bureau ,CMA,China
(2) Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, BOM,Australia 
9-13,October 2006





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