WMO | Public Weather Services (PWS)
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PWS Structure

Public Weather Services (PWS) is one of the Open Programme Area Groups (OPAGs) under the overall responsibility of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS).   The other OPAGs of CBS are the Integrated Observing Systems (IOS), the Information Systems and Services (ISS) and the Data Processing and Forecasting Systems (DPFS).

CBS adopted the OPAG structure in 1998.  The work of PWS Programme (PWSP) is coordinated through an Implementation Coordination Team on PWS and two Expert Teams (ETs). These are the: Implementation Coordination Team on PWS (ICT/PWS); Expert Team on Services and Products Innovation and Improvement (ET/SPII); and, the Expert Team on Impact-Based Forecasting and Warning Services (ET/IMPACT).

Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) Open Programme Area Groups (OPAGs) Expert Teams on PWS

The Organigram below shows the work of PWS.












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