Expert Team on Services and Products Innovation and Improvement (ET/SPII)
The Expert Team on Services and Products Innovation and Improvement (ET/SPII) is the team which is tasked with keeping abreast of developments in technologies and techniques in various areas of the work of NMHSs relevant to PWS. The Terms of Reference (TORs) of the ET/SPII, as approved by the Sixteenth Session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS-16, Guangzhou, China, 23-29 November 2016), are as indicated below: Terms of Reference (TORs)(a) Monitor, evaluate and advise on challenges and opportunities for Public Weather Service Delivery presented by emerging science and technology; (b) Address the user requirements identified by ET/IMPACT for data provision, management and visualization, through collaboration with OPAG-DPFS and other partners as necessary; (c) Take responsibility for PWS guidance on, scientific and technical aspects of Service De-livery improvement, including now casting, uncertainty, CAP and mobile/web services; (d) Provide oversight and coordination of the continuing development of WWIS/SWIC. (e) Complement and enhance the delivery of user-oriented PWS, and devise strategies for NMHSs and partners to optimize use and analysis of non-traditional data in forecasting and warning services, using collected examples and use of such data, e.g., crowdsourced weather, impact and behavioral data or social media information; (f) Assist the relevant bodies dealing with cooperation between the public and private sectors in matters relevant to public weather service delivery. (g) Remain mindful of the PWS needs of LDCs and SIDS when innovating and developing new services, in the spirit of the principle that ‘no country is left behind’. (h) Identify experts to advise on technical aspects of Service Delivery improvement as required by the mandate above, specifically in the areas of Big Data and Public Private Partnerships.
ET/SPII Team Membership
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