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Public weather services, agricultural meteorology, aeronautical meteorology and
marine meteorology and oceanography. These promote the development of infrastructure, expertise and services for the benefit of the general public and the economic sectors of agriculture, air and marine transport in Member Countries.

Aeronautical Meteorology Programme

aemp-iconAssisting Members in the provision of meteorological support to meet the requirements of aviation for safe, economic and efficient air navigation.

Agricultural Meteorology Programme

AgMPAssisting Members in the provision of meteorological and related services to the agricultural community.


Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme

Ship-at-seaCoordinates and facilitates the sustained provision of global and regional coverage observational data, products and services to address the continued and expanding requirements of the maritime user community for met-ocean services and information, focusing on safety of life and property at sea, and integrated coastal management and societal impacts.

Public Weather Services Programme

PWS-iconStrengthening the capabilities of WMO Members to meet the needs of the community through provision of comprehensive weather services, with particular emphasis on public safety and welfare, and to foster a better understanding by the public of the capabilities of national Meteorological Services and how best to use their services.


Quality Management Framework

QMFLogoThe concept of quality is not new to WMO or its Members. In some cases for over 100 years we have and will continue to strive to deliver the highest quality products and services.
The purpose of this web site restricted to WMO Members and Secretariatis to provide WMO members with useful resources and links to enable Member countries to work toward implementing a Quality Management System and achieve certification of compliance with ISO 9001.

To gain access to the WMO Quality Management Website, please send an e-mail to and provide the following information:
• Your full name
• The National Meteorological and Hydrological Service where you are employed, or if you work at the WMO Secretariat, please indicate that instead
• Your position
• Your e-mail address
You will be contacted within 36 hours by return e-mail and once your request is confirmed, you will be provided with the necessary username and password details.



World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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