The Workshop is organized
in sessions that address the following themes:
Applications of Collected Data – research and operational data
applications; case studies.
Technological Demands and Developments – demands for enhanced
observations collection technology; innovations or developments in
related marine observation systems; developments in buoys/instruments
(e.g. wave measurements).
Operational Practices and Enhancements – evaluation or analysis of
operational performance or trials; data communications and data
assimilation; performance and efficiency benchmarking; new systems and
National Practices– national practices regarding
partnerships, instrument quality assurance, data processing and
observation quality control, metadata standards, data dissemination and
satellite data telecommunications.
Session 1:
Applications of Collected Data
1. |
Applications of Collected Data from Argos Drifter, NOAA
Satellite Tracked Buoy in the East Sea of Korea |
Young-Sang Suh (NFRDI, Republic of Korea) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
2. |
Observation of Hurricanes from Air-Deployed Drifters |
Peter Niiler (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA), Rick
Lumpkin (NOAA/AOML, USA) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
3., 4. |
Long-term comparison of drifters from four manufacturers
deployed in 2006 |
Mayra Pazos and Shaun Dolk (NOAA/AOML, USA) |
Abstract |
Animation |
5. |
Partnerships for New GEOSS Applications for the Indian Ocean
Region |
Sidney Thurston (NOAA, Office of Global Programs, USA) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Session 2: Technological Demands and Developments
6. |
Iridium Location Quality: Is it Good Enough for Drifters? |
David Meldrum (Scottish Association for Marine Science, United
Kingdom) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
7. |
Evaluation of SVP-B Drifters Reporting Through Iridium |
Rolland (Météo-France, France) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
8. |
Iridium at CLS |
Bill Woodward (CLS America, USA) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
9. |
Generations of Iridium and Argos Drifters |
Sergei Motyzhev (Marine Hydrophysical Institute NASU, Ukraine) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
10. |
Putting Argos-3, Two Way High Data Rate Capabilities into
Practice |
Christian Ortega (CLS, France) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
11. |
Developments in Telemetry, Data Display, Buoy Configurations and
Sensors at Axys Technologies |
Mark Blaseckie (Axys Technologies Inc., Canada) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
12. |
Drifting Instrumented Chains. New Technical Development and
Applications |
Luca Centurioni (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
13. |
Recent Developments in Tsunami R&D and Forecast Systems |
Paul Freitag (NOAA/PMEL, USA) (on behalf of Chris Meinig)
Abstract |
Presentation |
14. |
Operational Forecasting of Marine Meteorology by Model and
Observation in KMA |
Jang-Won Seo (Korea Meteorological Association, Republic of
Korea) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
15. |
Preconditioning of Arctic Sea Ice for Summer Minima |
Ignatius Rigor (Polar Science Center, University of Washington,
USA) |
Abstract |
Animation |
Session 3: Operational Practices and Enhancements
16. |
Tsunameter Equipment Standards |
Jarrott (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
17. |
Mooring Modifications for Reduced Losses to Vandalism |
Paul Freitag (NOAA/PMEL, USA) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
18. |
Enhancements of the Arctic Buoys for the International Polar
Year |
Ignatius Rigor (Polar Science Center, University of Washington) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
19. |
Operation of Storm Surge Monitoring System of NORI for Coastal
Disaster Prevention |
Kwan-Chang LIM (National Oceanographic Research Institute,
Republic of Korea) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Session 4: National Practices
20. |
NESDIS Satellites and the Argos DCS Instruments |
Chris O’Connor (NOAA/NESDIS, USA) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
21. |
Data Assembly Center at the U.S. National Data Buoy Center |
Bill Burnett (NOAA/NDBC, USA) |
Abstract |
Presentation |