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Meeting of the ET-WISC Task Team on Centre Audit and Certification


Info on the meeting

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Date: 25 - 27 March 2014
Working Hours: 9:00am to 5:30pm
Meeting Room: To be advised
Chair: Baudouin Raoult
Local Contact: Weiqing Qu
WMO contacts: David Thomas

Final Report

Final Report (v01)


See List of Participants for current status of participation list. All TT-CAC members will be sent an official invitation including reference to members of the TT-GISC.

Reference Information

Information Documents

  • Info01 - Information for participants (New)
  • Info02 - List of Participants
  • Info03 - Document Allocation Plan
  • Info04 - Outcome of WIS Curriculum workshop (TT-GISC Doc 5)
  • Info05 - Outcome of WIS Monitoring workshop (TT-GISC Doc 6)
  • Info06 - Final Report ET-WISC sixth Session
  • Info07 - Final Report TT-GISC 2014
  • Info08 - Manual on WIS (latest) WMO No 1060)
  • Info07 - Guide to WIS (latest) WMO No 1061)
  • Info09 - Manual on GTS (latest) WMO No 386)

Template for submissions

Doc XX - Document template


Doc 01 - Agenda (Draft)
Doc 02 - WIS Demonstration Guidance Doc
Final Report

Working docs

Working Doc - certification basics
Working Doc - GISC Audit report template v5
Working Doc - WIS Demonstration DB discussion
Working Doc - Review of process rev1
Working Doc - TT-CAC work plan
Working Doc - Fax to Auditors' PRs rev1
Working Doc - Fax to GISC's PR rev1

Page last modified on Sunday 06 of July, 2014 16:11:47 CEST