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TT-CAC 2014, Melbourne, Australia. 25 - 27 March 2014

Info 02 - Participants

Country Representative Status
Australia Weiqing QU Attended
ECMWF Baudouin RAOULT (Lead) Attended
China LI Xiang Unable to attend
EUMETSAT Lothar WOLF Attended
France Remy GIRAUD Attended
France Matteao DELL'AQUA (Chair OPAG ISS) Attended
Germany Markus HEENE Attended
Japan Kenji TSUNODA Attended
NZ Kevin ALDER Attended
Korea Sunghoi Huh Not attending
UK Colin MATHISON Not attending
USA Don MIDDLETON Not attending
WMO Dave THOMAS Attended


Page last modified on Wednesday 26 of March, 2014 08:30:14 CET