Preliminary 2018 Edition of the CIMO Guide is now available for consideration by Members.
Since CIMO-16, a number of updates were developed and reviewed by CIMO Expert Teams, with the support of experts from other WMO technical commissions and WMO programmes. In particular, the Global Cryosphere Watch community has provided two new chapters: a general chapter on measurement of cryospheric variables and a chapter on snow measurements. All these proposals were reviewed in detail by the CIMO Editorial Board and compiled into the Preliminary 2018 Edition, in which each part becomes a separate volume, thus enabling faster updating and publishing in the future.
You are
invited to examine the chapters available from the table below
and send your detailed comments or suggestions
to the WMO Secretariat, using the template accessible here, as soon as possible and no later than 31 August 2018. Should you have concerns with specific chapters, please nominate an appropriate contact person(s) with whom these could be discussed between now and CIMO-17.
Please send a copy of your correspondence to the attention of Mr Krunoslav Premec at:
Note 1: Each chapter proposed to be updated is available in two versions. The "track-change" version shows all the changes made to the 2014 edition, updated in 2017, visible in track-change mode. In the "clean" version file all those changes have already been accepted. An overview of a size of the proposed updates is available here.
Note 2: The missing figures and tables in this preliminary edition will remain the same as they are in 2014 edition, updated in 2017, and will be inserted before publication. To check them, please visit the most recent version of the CIMO Guide, reachable here.
Also, the formatting of the documents will be finalized at the time of publication of the new edition.
Note 3: For the chapters not listed below, changes have not been proposed and the chapters will remain the same as in 2014 edition, updated in 2017.