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Monitoring statistics of observing systems

Upper-air monitoring reports

Performance monitoring statistics for upper-air measurements is provided by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), Reading, UK, and interpreted by Central Aerological Observatory (CAO), Roshydromet, Russian Federation.

Quarterly statistics of ECMWF upper-air monitoring

CAO monthly upper-air monitoring statistics

Monitoring reports of the observing system

Those reports provide a detailed statistical information on the quality and availability of the different components of the observing system used/monitored by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), Reading, UK.

ECMWF Monitoring Reports

Some past monitoring reports

2010 Q1-Statistic (MS-Excel)
2009 Q4-Statistic (MS-Excel)
Q3-Statistic (MS-Excel)
2005 Statistic (MS-Excel)
2004 Statistic (MS-Excel)
Plots (MS-Word)



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