Instruments and Methods of Observation world map

The Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme (IMOP)

The purpose of the IMOP is to set technical standards and quality control procedures and to provide guidance for the use of meteorological instruments and observation methods. The objectives of this programme are: 

  •  To promote development, documentation and the world-wide standardization of meteorological and related geophysical and environmental instruments and methods of observation to meet agreed user needs for data; and 

  •  To ensure the effective and economic use of instruments and methods of observation under varying working conditions and in differing technical infrastructures, by providing technical standards, guidance material, performance specifications, technology transfer and training assistance.

The programme fosters development of new and improved instruments, observation methods, data reduction, and quality control techniques, and embraces all instrumentation including that used for remote sensing. It is carried out under the technical responsibility of the WMO Technical Commission for Instrument and Methods of Observation (CIMO).

Main long-term objectives

The main long-term objectives of the Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme are:

  •   To improve the quality and long-term stability of observations and measurements of meteorological and related environmental variables through the coordination and promotion of the use of efficient methods and technology to meet the requirements of operational and research applications; and 

  •   To enhance the effective and economic use of observing technology/systems through training and technology transfer in developing countries.


Implementation activities

Implementation components of the programme include:

  •  Support to the implementation of guidelines and recommendations provided by CIMO and other relevant bodies to ensure enhancement of the quality and long-term stability of observations and measurements of meteorological and related environmental variables for operational applications and research;

  •  Technology transfer and capacity building activities in the field of instruments and methods of observation through technical conferences and training workshops.




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