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Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme (MMOP)
Marine Meteorology and related Ocean Activities (MMROA) report series

(last updated 17 January 2014 )

This report series has been superceded by the JCOMM Technical Report Series.     

See also the following publications :


No. Title WMO/TD-No. Issued
44 WMO/TD-No. 960 1999
  WMO/TD-No. 959 1999
43 WMO/TD-No. 957 1999
- WMO/TD-No. 951 1999
42 WMO/TD-No. 938 1998
41 WMO/TD-No. 933 1998
40 WMO/TD-No. 928 1998
- WMO/TD-No. 900 1998
39 WMO/TD-No. 890 1998
38 WMO/TD-No. 858 1998
37 WMO/TD-No. 840 1997
36 WMO/TD-No. 850 1997
- WMO/TD-No. 819 1997
35 WMO/TD-No. 783 1996
- WMO/TD-No. 767 1996
34 WMO/TD-No. 763 1996
33 WMO/TD-No. 779 1996
32* WMO/TD-No. 694 1995
Guide to the applications of marine climatology
Note: JCOMM TD No. 13 (WMO/TD-No. 1081) constitutes the dynamic part of this guide
WMO/TD-No. 781 1994
- WMO/TD-No. 649 1994
31* WMO/TD-No. 621 1994
30 WMO/TD-No. 584 1993
29 WMO/TD-No. 583 1993
28* WMO/TD-No. 604 1993
27 WMO/TD-No. 516 1992
The Accuracy of Ship’s Meteorological Observations - Results of the VSOP-NA (pdfpdf)
25 WMO/TD-No. 456 1991
24 WMO/TD-No. 350 1990
Summary Report on National Sea-ice Forecasting Techniques
WMO/TD-No. 329 1989
Wind Measurements Reduction to a Standard Level (R.J. Shearman and A.A. Zelenko)
WMO/TD-No. 311 1989
Coastal Winds (E.P. Veselov)
WMO/TD-No. 275 1988
La Prévision du Brouillard en Mer (M. Trémant) Forecasting of Fog at Sea - in French only
WMO/TD-No. 211 1987
A Global Survey on the Need for and Application of Directional Wave Information (S. Barstow and J. Guddal)
WMO/TD-No. 209 1987
Baltic Multilingual List of Sea-ice Terms (Jan Malicki, Alex N. Turchin, Hans H. Valeur)
WMO/TD-No. 160 1987
Processing of Marine Data (G.D. Hamilton)
WMO/TD-No. 150 1986
Field Workshop on Intercalibration of Conventional and Remote-sensed Sea Surface Temperature Data (A.E. Strong and E.P. McClain)
Forecast Techniques for Ice Accretion on Different Types of Marine Structures, Including Ships, Platforms and Coastal Facilities
WMO/TD-No. 70 1985
Scientific Lectures at CMM-IX
WMO/TD-No. 41 1985
User's Guide to the Data and Summaries of the Historical Sea Surface Temperature Data Project (pdfpdf)
Note: Related to this issue, the following report is also available: "Report of the Consultant on the Historical Sea-Surface Temperature Data Project" by G. Verploegh, 1966 (pdfpdf)
WMO/TD-No. 36 1985
WMO Wave Programme: National Reports for 1984 on Wave Measuring Techniques, Numerical Wave Models and Intercomparisons
WMO/TD-No. 35 1985
Supplement No. 4 - Reports for 1991 to 1994 on Wave Measuring Techniques, Numerical Wave Models and Intercomparisons
WMO/TD-No. 35 1994
Supplement No. 3 - Reports for 1989 to 1990 on Wave Measuring Techniques, Numerical Wave Models and Intercomparisons
WMO/TD-No. 35 1990
Supplement No. 2 - Reports for 1986 to 1988 on Wave Measuring Techniques, Numerical Wave Models and Intercomparisons
WMO/TD-No. 35 1989
Supplement No. 1 - Reports for 1985 on Wave Measuring Techniques, Numerical Wave Models and Intercomparisons
WMO/TD-No. 35 1986
Drifting Buoys in Support of Marine Meteorological Services (Glenn D. Hamilton)
- 1983
Guide to Data Collection and Services Using Service Argos (revised version)
- 1989
Intercalibrations of Directly-measured and Remotely Sensed Marine Observations (Alan E. Strong)
- 1983
Summary WMO Technical Conference on Automation of Marine Observations and Data Collection
- 1981
Proceedings of the WMO Technical Conference on the Automation of Marine Observations and Data Collection
- 1981
Report on the Results of An Enquiry on Marine Meteorological Services Products
- 1981
The Automation of Observational Methods on Board Ship (M. Yasui)
- 1981
Intercalibration of Surface-based and Remotely Sensed Data (except Sea Surface Temperature Data) to Be Used in Marine Applications (E.P. McClain)
- 1981
Review of Reference Height for and Averaging Time of Surface Wind Measurements at Sea (F.W. Dobson)
- 1981
Investigation of Contemporary Methods of Measuring Sea Surface and Surface-layer Temperatures (F.S. Terziev)
- 1981
Precipitation Measurement at Sea (G. Olbrück)
- 1981

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World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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