Furthermore, our growing understanding of the links between ocean and weather and climate conditions, as reflected in the El Niño / South Oscillation phenomenon, offers the perspective to forecast phenomena such as severe droughts several months in advance. The threat of global warning and climate change has brought into sharp focus the vital role of the oceans in the capture, storage and release of water vapour, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and the impact of an eventual sea-level rise on coastal regions and flat islands. MMOP builds on the integration of science, technical standards and procedures into operational for a fully integrated met-ocean observing, data management and services systems, by promoting a state-of-the-art globally distributed and inter-connected system based on present and next-generation technologies and capabilities, and providing international coordination, support and strategic direction to these activities in support of Members. The purpose of MMOP is to assist Members to provide data, information, services in support of the safety of life and property at sea, operations in the open and coastal ocean areas, including ice-covered regions, the protection and sustainable development of the ocean and marine environment, Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and operational meteorology, the monitoring and prediction of seasonal-to-inter-annual climate variability and climate change, and the efficient management of marine resources, based on the collection and integrated management of marine meteorological and oceanographic data. The Programme also aims to strengthen Members’ capacities (in particular Least Developed Countries - LDCs) to achieve the objectives of MMOP, mainly by developing specific projects and training to these regions regarding their needs. The programme will continue to contribute to an appropriate infrastructure for technological innovation, information exchange, national capacity-building and manpower development in the specialized areas of marine meteorology and oceanography. The programme is developed with best scientific practice, design, management, implementation, and monitoring of observing systems, data management practices, and promotes innovative organizational structures of an international, global and regional nature; the programme will therefore contribute to the implementation of practically all WMO strategies. Examples
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