MMOP Capacity Development |
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Capacity development Activities as part of the Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme (MMOP)
JCOMM is jointly sponsored by WMO and UNESCO/IOC and therefore its Capacity Development (CD) activities operate within, and draw upon, the overall principles of its governing bodies. The primary objective of JCOMM CD is to enhance the implementation of the overall JCOMM Programme through enhancing capacity in all Members/Member States to contribute to and benefit from the programme. Specific JCOMM-focused CB activities are implemented by the respective Programme Areas (PAs) and included in their respective workplans.
JCOMM Capacity Development Principles (.doc)
At its fourth Session of JCOMM in May 2012,it was decided to make further efforts for the following types of activities:
Preparation and management of technical guidance material, in conjunction with the regular review and update of the Guides and Manuals;
- Strengthened liaison and contacts with wider WMO-IOC capacity development programmes, particularly for the application of developed marine meteorological and oceanographic training material and for the development of training programmes - for example, OceanTeacher ( developed by the IODE of UNESCO/IOC, and Met e-learning ( managed by the WMO Education and Training Programme (ETRP);
- Development of a web-based tool to document/consolidate/visualize overall Capacity Development activities of the Commission, particularly those initiated and directly supported by the Members / Member States. Partnerships among distance learning programmes, such as USA’s Cooperative Programme for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET,, are strongly encouraged;
- Enhanced support for time-bound projects with clear objectives and plans for delivery, which serve for Members’ / Member States’ capacity development and technology transfer needs, with a view to leveraging other potential funding sources and responding to expressed priorities of Members / Member States;
- Enhanced collaboration through the Partnership for New GEOSS Applications (PANGEA), a concept developed by JCOMM with the goal to develop resource sharing partnerships to realize the socio-economic benefits of ocean observing systems at global and regional scales.
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Related programmes:
- For more information please visit the WMO Education and Training (ETR) Programme Webpage.
Useful Information and tools for Capacity Development:
- The COMET Programme is offering training modules on meteorology in French, English and Spanish.