WMO-IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel DBCP Technical Document No. 40 (Revision-1)
Annual report for 2010
Foreword by the DBCP Chairperson
Final report of the Twenty-sixth DBCP session (Oban, United Kingdom, 27-30 September 2010)
Presentations made at the Scientific and Technical Workshop - DBCP TD No. 39 (Oban, United Kingdom, 27 September 2010)
Technical Coordinator's report (report presented at DBCP-26)
National reports (reports presented at DBCP-26) Reports (pdf) Presentation:
Action Group reports (reports and presentations at DBCP-26) Reports (pdf) Presentations: European EUCOS Surface Marine Programme (E-SURFMAR) Global Drifter Program (GDP) International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) International Buoy Program for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO) International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB) - No report presented International South Atlantic Buoy Programme (ISABP) North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel (NPDBAP) Deep Ocean Multi-Dsciplinary Ocean Reference Stations (OceanSITES) Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (TIP) International Tsunameter Partnership (TIP)
Reports (pdf)
European EUCOS Surface Marine Programme (E-SURFMAR)
Reports by the Task Teams (reports and presentations DBCP-26) Task Team Report Presentation Data Management (TT-DM) X X Instrument Best Practices and Drifter Technology Developments (TT-IBP) X X Moored Buoys (TT-MB) X X (Excel sheet) Capacity-Building (TT-CB) X X
Data Management Centre reports (report presented at DBCP-26) (Presentation: SOC/DB, RNODC/DB, Secretariat)
DBCP Implementation Strategy (as approved by DBCP-26)
DBCP Operating Principles (as approved at DBCP-26)
Argos System operations (report presented at DBCP-26) (Presentation)
Status of the Pilot Projects (reports and presentations at DBCP-26) Pilot Project Reports Presentations Iridium X X Argos3 X X Wave measurements from drifters (WMD) X Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (WET) X X High Resolution SST X
Pilot Project
Review of satellite data telecommunication systems (2008)
Satellite communications systems buyers' guide (2010)
Report on Data Dissemination (October 2010)
National Focal Points for buoy programmes (December 2010 - See also up to date list on web here)
Financial report for 2010 (December 2010) (Presentation made at DBCP-26)
List of DBCP Technical Documents
List of JCOMM Meeting Reports
List of JCOMM Technical Reports