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Welcome to the IPET-MDI pages

Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata and Data Interoperability (IPET-MDI)
The work of this team is continuing as the Inter-Programme Expert Team on Data Representation Development

This page contains a link to an IPET-MDI discussion forum
It is readable by Wiki-users and IPET-MDI users can post in it.

Should you want to be notified of a new comment, please monitor the corresponding page by clicking on the eye symbol in the top-right corner of each page.

IPET-MDI also has a discussion forum on Huddle. This forum has now been decommissioned and all relevant content migrated across (14-July-2010). Now the Google Group is serving as the forum.

WMO Core Profile

Documentation and reference

  1. Documentation of SRU and related technologies .
  2. WIS Home Page
  3. Reference material from external sources
  4. List of subject matter experts
  5. List of tools used in support of IPET-MDI outcomes
  6. Metadata Package for WIS
  7. Guidance documentation for the WMO Core Profile
  8. Implications of ISO TC211 for work of IPET-DRC and IPET-MDI
  9. Guidance on WMO Core Metadata (Discovery)
  10. IWXXM - XML representation of information in support of international air navigation
  11. XML representation of WIGOS metadata

Documents of relevance to IPET-MDRD
T Name Last Modified Invert Sort Other Sorts
application/msword N0001
Notes on ISO TC211 meeting at Redlands, 11-15 November 2013
Mon 18 of Nov, 2013 Information
application/pdf N0003
Validation of MM8, MM14 and approve fast track MM15
Thu 18 of Dec, 2014 Information
Folder Notes
Information notes supporting IPET-MDRD
Thu 18 of Dec, 2014 Information
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document WIGOS-mapping
Early draft of mapping WIGOS metadata requirements onto a logical data model (Word document)
Fri 11 of Sep, 2015 Information
application/zip WIGOS-model
Early draft of the UML for the logical data model to support WIGOS metadata. Unzip and view in a browser (but not Chrome).
Fri 11 of Sep, 2015 Information
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ManualCodes3
Draft of Manual on Codes v3 to accommodate WIGOS metadata (and IWXXM)
Fri 11 of Sep, 2015 Information
Folder WMO Logical Data Model
Documents supporting the development of the WMO Logical Data Model (Including IWXXM, METCE, OPM, COLLECT, WIGOS metadata components)
Fri 11 of Sep, 2015 Information

Questions for IPET-MDI

  1. Request for Clarification about DAR metadata*
  2. Request for Clarification about DAR metadata - comments from Jean-Pierre Aubagnac
  3. Working page for WMO core profile
* Note that the questions raised in this document have are resolved in the report of IPET-MDI meeting 1

Meeting Reports and Actions

  1. report from ad-hoc meeting of IPET-MDI at 2nd Workshop on use of GIS standards in meteorology (Toulouse) 2009
  2. 1st meeting
  3. 1st meeting report
  4. 1st meeting action items
  5. report from ad-hoc meeting of IPET-MDI members present at OGC TC meeting in Toulouse (Sept 2010) (the presentations listed in the document can be found at the bottom of this wiki page)
  6. Report from IPET-MDI to ICT-ISS. Please refer to section 4.1 of the notes on meeting report for CBS/OPAG-ISS Implementation and Coordination Team on Information Systems and Services (Geneva Sept-2010)
  7. Informal notes from ICT-ISS compiled by Jeremy Tandy
  8. IPET-MDI task schedule for CBS-2010 (Publication of WMO Core Metadata Profile v1.2)
  9. IPET-MDI task schedule for Congress-2011
  10. The metadata workspace for questions about the MD format
  11. Second Meeting of IPET-MDI
  12. First meeting of IPET-MDRD (the successor to IPET-MDI).
  13. Second meeting of IPET-MDRD. Note: invitations to this workshop will be limited to those directly involved with developing the data representations for WIGOS and climate station metadata.
  14. Third meeting of IPET-MDRD. Note: invitations to this workshop will be limited to those directly involved with developing version 2 of the WIS Discovery Metadata standard.
  15. Fourth meeting of IPET-MDRD. This is a full meeting of IPET MDRD and invitations have been sent to Core Members. Other members of IPET-MDRD may apply to the Secretariat for invitations for travel at their own expense.

Terms of Reference for IPET-MDI

  1. Development of a WMO core profile of the ISO 191xx series of standards for metadata and data, encompassing the WMO Metadata core profile of the ISO metadata standard, including relevant ISO 191xx feature catalogues, application schema(ta) and data product specification(s);
  2. Further develop procedures and guidance for the interoperability of metadata and data, including BUFR, CREX, GRIB, XML, NetCDF and HDF, and liaise with the NetCDF and the Climate and Forecast (CF) communities in this respect , in particular develop and maintain a WMO conceptual data model to facilitate the interoperability of metadata and data;
  3. Develop a WMO inter-programme metadata and data representation policy, including governance;
  4. Coordinate extensions to the WMO core profile needed to satisfy the requirements of all WMO Programmes;
  5. Develop guidance for the implementation and use of the data representation systems, metadata and the WMO core profile, including training aspects;
  6. Propose extensions to the ISO 191xx series of standards required for the WMO core profile and liaise with ISO and OGC as required.

OGC Liaison

The OGC operates a several domain working groups of interest to IPET-MDI:
  1. Met-Ocean DWG
  2. Metadata DWG
  3. Hydrology DWG

Relevent DWG presentations from the OGC Technical Meetings are listed here:

  1. Status update describing work of Met-Ocean.DWG Conceptual Modelling group - March - Sept 2010 by Jeremy Tandy; delivered to the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2010 by Simon Elliot
  2. Presentation by Jeremy Tandy to Met-Ocean.DWG (Toulouse, Sept 2010), status update and soliciting feedback on how to improve engagement from participants
  3. Presentation by Jeremy Tandy to Hydro.DWG (Toulouse, Sept 2010), presenting the case for cross-domain interaction between Hydrology and Met-Ocean
  4. Presentation by Arnulf Christ from Toulouse TC (Sept 2010): a provocative discussion of where the real MEAT in metadata resides!
  5. Presentation by Ted Habermann from Toulouse TC (Sept 2010) discussing how to represent netCDF metadata in ISO19115
  6. {file name="Forecast_Model_Run_Collections_and_ISO.pptx" desc="Presentation by Ted Habermann from Toulouse TC (Sept 2010) discussing how to represent forecast model runs as collections}

  • Task Team on the Application of Metadata? will be tasked with developing and implementing materials to allow centres to create metadata effectively and consistently.
  • Task Team on Aviation XML is tasked with ensuring that the representation of weather data in XML by WMO and ICAO is compatible.
  • Task Team on the Application of Metadata is tasked with creating guidance and training materials to assist users with creating metadata for WIS.


List of proposed and past changes to the data management manuals

Page last modified on Wednesday 29 of March, 2017 09:40:45 CEST