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Meeting Document actions to JIRA ticket cross reference

Meeting Report Action Description Assigned_To Document Action_URL JIRA_ticket URL Milestone Status
Propose mechanism for unique identification of place names - e.g. urn:x-wmo:place:int.wmo.wis::AtlanticOcean Ted MDI_1_i WIS-173 UNRESOLVED
Develop candidate static metadata components Jean Pierre MDI_1_ii WIS-174 UNRESOLVED
Build dataset examples for TIGGE Manuel MDI_1_iii WIS-206 UNRESOLVED
Develop best practices for building hierarchies of related datasets using the ISO19115 conceptual model subject to the constraints of implementation Ted, Michael MDI_1_iv WIS-175 UNRESOLVED
Develop a first-cut set of metadata with appropriate bounding boxes, including SHP & AMDAR products Jean Pierre, Simon MDI_1_v WIS-176 UNRESOLVED
Develop simple Vol A gazetteer Manuel, Jeremy, Alexander Besprozvannykh? MDI_1_vi WIS-177 UNRESOLVED
Liaise with groups building gazetteer services and provide implementation experience and project updates to IPET-MDI Greg MDI_1_vii WIS-178 UNRESOLVED
Define the WMO Core Profile extension object Ted MDI_1_viii WIS-179 UNRESOLVED
Define the full set of WMO Core Profile code-listsJeremy MDI_1_ix WIS-180 UNRESOLVED
Review candidate conformance tests & rank in order of validation Jean Pierre, Jeremy MDI_1_x WIS-181 UNRESOLVED
Develop schematron rule-sets to implement the conformance tests, using the geonetwork & ANZLIC schematron rules as a baseline. The focus will be on validation against the WMO profile. Developing validation tests against other profiles by interpretting the ISO19115 extension record is a significantly lower priority Jean Pierre, guidance from Greg, Ted MDI_1_xi WIS-182 UNRESOLVED
Review Timo’s existing SRU response schema & develop to suit community needs Eiji MDI_1_xii WIS-183 UNRESOLVED
Develop stylesheet to render human readable response to SRU queryEiji, Michael, Ashok MDI_1_xiii WIS-184 UNRESOLVED
Develop stylesheet to render human readable WMO Core Profile records, presented in response to browsing the GISC catalogue Eiji, Michael, Ashok, Ted MDI_1_xiv WIS-185 UNRESOLVED
Develop a sophisticated stylesheet that provides guidance & in-line editing capabilities to support validation of baseline metadata developed by Meteo France (would this also provide a basic template for the minimum metadata footprint – i.e. be able to create a new metadata record from scratch?) Eiji, Michael, Ashok, Ted MDI_1_xv WIS-186 UNRESOLVED
Further develop the short-names for table C13 Manuel, Simon MDI_1_xvi WIS-187 UNRESOLVED
Define (best) practices for referencing keywords from fixed vocabularies Manuel, Jeremy, Ted MDI_1_xvii WIS-188 UNRESOLVED
Investigate the use of Protegé tools, RDF/OWL & SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System to build hierarchical taxonomies / simple ontologies from GCMD, CF standard names & WMO Common Codes table C13. Note that NCAR's portal codebase now includes these technologies Manuel, Michael, Jeremy MDI_1_xviii WIS-189 UNRESOLVED
Assess current best-practices for providing simple tools to help metadata authors browse ontologies or taxonomies or skos Jeremy MDI_1_xix WIS-190 UNRESOLVED
Add example of both specification & use of multi-language code-list Jeremy MDI_1_xx WIS-191 UNRESOLVED
Recommend best practice to enable transition from MD_Metadata to MI_Metadata - including reference 'official' schema location Ted MDI_1_xxi WIS-192 Fixed
Add examples with agreed upon reference URLs for schemas Michael MDI_1_xxii WIS-193 UNRESOLVED
Define best practices relating to resolving metadata components – especially with reference to the implications of updating metadata components & needing to propagate changes to impacted metadata records Ted, Michael, Jean Pierre MDI_1_xxiii WIS-194 Complete
Establish & lead a sub-group to assist the WMO Secretariat Pierre specify how the transition from Volume C1 to the WIS DAR catalogue will be achieved. Of particular interest will be the recommendation of operational practices whilst Volume C1 is being maintained in parallel with the new DAR catalogue while the WIS infrastructure maturesGuofu, Eiji, Ashok, Siegfried / Jürgen, Jean Pierre MDI_1_xxiv WIS-195 UNRESOLVED
Migrate useful content from IPET-MDI Huddle site to WIS WIKI & retireJeremy MDI_1_xxv WIS-196 Complete
Discuss choice of wiki software for future robustness & capabilityTed, Jean Pierre MDI_1_xxvi WIS-197 Fixed
Assess whether NCAR could host a WIS subversion repositoryMichael MDI_1_xxvii WIS-198 UNRESOLVED
Update UML diagrams of WMO Core Profile to reflect changes agreed; this will mostly be in the form of additional constraints Jeremy n/a WIS-199 UNRESOLVED
Validate UML diagrams of WMO Core Profile provided from Action MDI-1-xxviii Michael n/a WIS-200 UNRESOLVED
Convert meeting recommendations into online user documentation n/a WIS-201 UNRESOLVED
Laise with JCOMM/IOC to facilitate the provision of oceanographic thematic vocabularies Greg Reed n/a WIS-202 UNRESOLVED
'Mine' the now defunct IPET-MI wiki hosted by NCAR for useful information and transfer to WIS WIKI (if any) Michael, Timo n/a WIS-203 UNRESOLVED
Collaborate with Matteo to provide example metadata records for testing Michael n/a WIS-204 UNRESOLVED
Cross reference IPET-MDI meeting actions to JIRA milestones/versions, in collaboration with IPET-MDI members Michael, all members n/a WIS-205 Fixed

title | MDI_1_ | WIS-180 ||

Page last modified on Saturday 25 of September, 2010 13:33:52 CEST