CBS-16-Secretariat WIS » CBS » CBS-16-Secretariat CBS-16 - additional information for Secretariat Briefing sessions July/August 2016 No TabsQuorumAgendaSupporting documents 1. Dates and venue for CBS-16 2. Agenda for TECO and CBS-16. 3. Document plan, work plan and session web site 4. Roles during the session 5. Known issues that are being tackled 6. Document processing (practical session - please bring your laptop) 7. AOB Documents in Elios Document plan (in Elios) Briefing documents Briefing for agenda item chairs. The lead secretariat editor for the documents discussed under the agenda item is responsible for completing and updating the agenda item briefing document. Briefing for presenters. Presenters are responsible for completing the briefing document for their own presentation. Briefing on documents. The lead in-session editor of a document is responsible completing and maintaining the associated briefing document. Documents in wiki file gallery ID T Filename Name Description Size Last Modified Hits 297 Admin Admin Administrative information about CBS-16 0 B Wed 21 of Sep, 2016 2940 RecommendationAnnex.docx Exercise Editing Exercise to practice the correct use of mark-up for amendments to publications that form part of session documents. 40.12 KB Tue 19 of Jul, 2016 112 2968 CBS-16_Briefing-20160719.pptx Presentation Briefing for secretariat July/August 2016 1.99 MB Tue 02 of Aug, 2016 113 2972 CBS-16-a04-DocumentsForCBS.docx A04 Document handling for CBS-16 53.23 KB Thu 21 of Jul, 2016 107 2973 CBS-16-a05-InfOnRequirements_en.docx A05 Information documents describing the requirements of WMO Programmes 51.36 KB Thu 21 of Jul, 2016 112 2976 quorum.png Quorum Progress towards quorum 16.44 KB Thu 21 of Jul, 2016 562 2977 CBS-16-History-Inf.docx A07 History sheet - Information paper 19.13 KB Thu 21 of Jul, 2016 120 2978 CBS-16-History-Doc.docx A06 History sheet - Document 17.58 KB Thu 21 of Jul, 2016 137 2983 exampleStatus.docx Doc Status Examle file containing document status table - copy the table into your document, edit it to show the components of your document, and shade and that have been approved (use the 53.24 KB Wed 27 of Jul, 2016 358 Preparation of documents No TabsDocument statusDecision StatusDocument types Status of documents: Please update this spreadsheet as your documents move through the publication process. During EC-68 it became clear that delegates and session chairs found it difficult to remember which parts of a document had been approved during an earlier discussion. At CBS-16 we will use a status table to make it easier to follow what is happening. This will appear on the cover sheet of the document (see the example below). You can copy the example from the example CBS cover sheet (copying from the display in this window does not preserve formatting). Document styles to CBS-16 CBS-16 will use the document style that was introduced for EC-68. After the CBS-16 agenda has been agreed, LCP expect to update the WMO Toolbar to reflect the agenda. CBS-16 will use two types of document: Documents (that will appear in the final report) that have the contents listed below, and Information papers that provide information to support the decisions at the meeting (that will only appear in the “Part 2” report). The documents will consist of up to five parts, and every document must contain a title page and at least one of decision, resolution or recommendation: 1 Title page (mandatory). Remove the box and the explanatory text within it, and give the document a meaningful title if there is more than one document supporting an agenda item. 2 Decisions (optional) place on record instructions/directives to the OPAGs or Management Group that follow from Cg or EC Resolutions/decisions, or provide records of CBS opinion/observations on a specific topic, procedural decisions and other decisions pertaining to the internal matters of CBS. 3 Resolutions (optional) are formal decisions on matters that have been delegated to CBS. 4 Recommendations (optional) to Executive Council or to Congress recommend amendments to Technical Regulations or the Manuals and Guides managed by CBS, or other decisions that have not been delegated to CBS. These should be written in the form of a Draft Decision or Resolution by EC or Congress. (Note: you may include in the "noting....recommend" part only enough information to ensure that it is clear what the recommended decision is, but you must include the full text of the Annex being recommended). 5 Background information (optional) essential to support the decision. This should be short and so far as possible refer to pre-existing documents for more detail. This part of the document will not appear in the final report. The Background Information part will not appear in the final report of the session, but will be copied to the “Part 2” report. The final report will only contain the text of the Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations, so these must be written to be self-explanatory. Also in the final report of CBS-16 will be a copy of the agenda and a list of participants. Information papers will appear in the “Part 2” report. Document processing Documents will be processed in a similar way to those of EC-68 with one major difference: no documents will be translated during the course of the session. Translation of documents Formal Documents that are published before the session will be translated into the official languages in their first draft, and in the second draft if this is posted before the start of the session. Thereafter, most documents will not be translated until the approved versions of documents are translated after the session has closed. Information papers will not normally be translated. Approval by a Director will be needed before an Information paper can be translated. Authorization of documents for publication before the start of CBS-16 The document plan indicates which Director is responsible for approving documents on a given topic. When a document is ready for processing, the secretary supporting that document will prepare a cover sheet using the appropriate pre-session history sheet template available in Word. That history sheet must be attached to a printout of the document, and the cover sheet signed by the author and relevant director(s) before being passed to DSG for authorization. Any changes required during the authorization procedure should be edited into the electronic document before the JobSys request is created by the secretary supporting that document. A scanned copy of the history sheet must be attached to the JobSys request. AA/D(OBS) is responsible for retaining the original of the history sheet and paper version of the document that was authorized. The guidance on pre-session documents provided for EC-68 also applies to CBS-16. In-session approval of documents for publication The document plan records the person responsible for managing changes to each document during the CBS-16 session and the Director responsible for authorizing it. With the exception of Inf 2.9(2) Information papers will not be updated during the session; Inf 2.9(2) will be finalized at the end of the session. An in-session history sheet must be attached to every document that is submitted for authorization. The conference secretary is responsible for retaining the hard copies of history sheets and hard copies of documents submitted for authorization during the session. The guidance on in-session documents provided for EC-68 also applies to CBS-16. Responding to in-session interventions on documents Chairs of sessions will remind Members to send written copies of their interventions to the session email address (expected to be The person responsible for the document must make sure, if the intervention was accepted by the meeting, that these are addressed in the revised draft of the document. Interventions that are not relevant to the document should be considered by for recording in Inf 2.9(2). The person responsible for the session in which these interventions were raised is responsible for collecting and collating these interventions and passing the collation to the person responsible in session for Inf 2.9(2). After session editing The style of final report that will be used for CBS-16 should minimize the editing required for the final report. Immediately following the session, the individuals responsible in-session for documents should review the text of the decisions, recommendations and resolutions in the approved versions of their documents to ensure that they are correct.