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Annex III to Resolution 40 (Cg-XII)

Guidelines for relations between National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services (NMSs) and the commercial sector


The purpose of these guidelines is to further improve the relationship between NMSs and the commercial sector. The development of the exchange of meteorological and related information depends greatly upon sound, fair, transparent, and stable relations between these two sectors.

These guidelines apply to the commercial sector engaged in meteorological activities, which includes government organizations engaged in commercial meteorological activities.
In order to enhance the relationship between the two sectors:

1. In the common interest, the commercial sector is urged to respect the international data exchange principles of the WWW and other WMO Programmes;

2. The commercial sector is urged to recognize and acknowledge the essential contribution of NMSs and of WMO to the activities of the commercial sector. NMSs and the commercial sector are urged to recognize the interdependence and mutual benefit possible from cooperative interaction;

3. In the case where the NMS of a country, particularly of a developing country, were to consider itself affected by the commercial sector’s commercial use of data originated in its own country, all parties involved shall undertake negotiations to achieve appropriate and satisfactory agreements;

4. Unless authorized to do so by the relevant Member, commercial sector providers of meteorological services should not publicly issue warnings and forecasts relevant to the safety of life and property in the country or maritime area where they operate. Warnings and forecasts relevant to the safety of life and property publicly issued by the commercial sector should be consistent with those originated by NMSs or by other official originators in the course of the performance of their public service responsibilities;

5. In providing services, the commercial sector should be encouraged to employ meteorological terminology consistent with established national and international practice;

6. Commercial sector providers of meteorological services should respect the sovereignty and rules and regulations of the countries in which they deliver services;

7. NMSs are encouraged to discuss with their countries’ meteorological community and professional societies the issues associated with the international activities of the commercial sector;

8. NMSs are encouraged to collaborate with their countries’ commercial sector and their professional societies to maximize the use of meteorological information within their country


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