The following operational information is posted on the WMO server:
The objective of the Operational Information Service (OIS) is to collect from, and distribute to, WMO Members and WWW centres detailed and up-to-date information on facilities, services and products made available in the day-to-day operation of the WWW. The overall efficiency of the Operational Information Service (OIS) is dependent on the prompt notifications of changes and updated information from the WMO Member countries. |
a. When establishing a new observing station |
Each observing station is identified by a station index number. The allocation scheme of station index numbers is detailed in Section D of Part A of Volume I.1 of the Manual on Codes. The Member countries may contact the WMO Secretariat for information on the series of station index numbers allocated to each Member or for requests for the extension of the series. When establishing a new observing station, the Member concerned should ensure the assigned station index number is within the series of station index numbers allocated to that Member, and relevant information on the new station updated in Volume A.
Reports from a new observing station should be compiled in new or existing GTS bulletins. For a new bulletin, the Member should select an abbreviated heading in accordance with paragraph 2.3.2 of Part II of Volume I of the Manual on the GTS and Attachment II-5 to the Manual on the GTS. The WMO Members should ensure that the information on these bulletins is included/updated in Volume C1.
In case of a new upper-air station, the Member should ensure relevant information in the WMO Catalogue of Radiosondes and Upper-air wind Systems is updated. |
b. When modifying the operation of an observing station |
The WMO Members should inform of any change in the operation of an observing station by updating Volume A an/or Volume C1, as appropriate. In case of a change in the system operated at an upper-air station, details of the modifications should be updated in the WMO Catalogue of Radiosondes and Upper-air Wind Systems. |
c. When inserting new data and products in the GTS |
New data and products should be included in new or existing GTS bulletins. For a new bulletin, the WMO Members should select an abbreviated heading in accordance with paragraph 2.3.2 of Part II of Volume I of the Manual on the GTS and Attachment II-5 to the Manual on the GTS. The WMO Members should ensure that the information on these bulletins is included/updated in Volume C1. |
d. Routeing catalogues of GTS centres should be updated monthly but no less than every 3 months |
New bulletins are regularly added or deleted to/from Volume C1. The GTS centres should therefore regularly update their switching directories with a view to ensuring the relay of the new bulletins on the GTS. The routeing catalogues, which are based in the switching directories, should be updated monthly if possible, but not less than every three months. |
a. Recommended procedures in formulating the RBSNs and RBCNs |
The WMO Regional Associations define the Regional Basic Synoptic Networks (RBSNs) of surface and upper-air stations adequate to meet the requirements of Members and of the World Weather Watch. The WMO Regional Associations also define Regional Basic Climatological Networks (RBCNs) necessary to provide a good representation of climate on the regional scale, in addition to global scale. The WMO Executive Council Working Group on Antarctic Meteorology is in charge of reviewing the Antarctic Basic Synoptic Network and the Antarctic Basic Climatological Network.
The recommended procedures in formulating the RBSNs and RBCNs are given in Annex IV to the report of the third session of the Implementation/Coordination Team on the Global Observing system (Geneva, September 2004).
b. Updating WMO No. 9, Volume A - Observing Stations |
Volume A contains a complete list of all the surface and upper-air stations in operation, which are used for synoptic purposes. Volume A contains the following information for each station: WMO index number, latitude and longitude, elevation, pressure level, surface synoptic observations, hourly and half.hourly observations, upper-air observations and other observations and remarks.
The Permanent representative of the Member country with WMO or the national focal point for matters related to Volume A should inform the WMO Secretariat of any change to Volume A, by completing a feedback form following the guidelines.
c. Updating the WMO Catalogue of Radiosondes and Upper-air wind Systems |
In addition to the information included in Volume A for upper-air stations, the catalogue provides information on the type of radiosonde, windfinding equipment, ground systems, radiation corrections applied to temperature observations and other local practices for the Radiosondes and upper-air systems in use by Members.
The WMO Members should send their updates to the WMO Secretariat by completing a feedback form following the guidelines.
d. Updating the routeing catalogues |
(See paragraph 2.10.3 of Part II of Volume I of the Manual on the GTS)
The routeing catalogues of the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) centres provide information on the routeing of bulletins on the GTS, i.e. on the relay of the bulletins on the GTS point-to-point circuits and their distribution on the point-to-multipoint circuits such as the satellite distribution systems. Each RTH should prepare a routeing catalogue and make it accessible by the other GTS centres, in particular by its associated NMCs.
The routeing catalogue of a GTS centre comprises the following information for each bulletin received or transmitted by the GTS centre:the GTS circuit on which the bulletin is received by the GTS centre and the list of the GTS circuits on which the bulletin is sent by the GTS centre.
The format of the routeing catalogue and the procedures for the access to the routeing catalogues are given in Attachment II-7 to the Manual on the GTS. The GTS centres should preferably make their routeing catalogues accessible directly from their web site, and provide the relevant URL to the WMO Secretariat. The routeing directory should be updated monthly if possible, but not less than every three months.
e. Updating Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins |
Volume C1 contains the list of meteorological bulletins for global, inter-regional and regional exchange on the Global Telecommunication System. Each bulletin is uniquely identified by an abbreviated heading (TTAAii CCCC). Volume C1 contains the following information for each bulletin: code form used, time group, contents of bulletins and remarks.
The WMCs/RTHs on the MTN shall maintain the Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins as regards bulletins issued from the zone for which they are responsible for the collection, exchange and distribution of data, and also including data from the Antarctica, as appropriate. WMCs/RTHs on the MTN may share their responsibility with the RTHs (not on the MTN) included in their zone of responsibility through regional arrangements (see paragraph 2.1(h) of Part I of Volume I of the Manual on the GTS).
Arrangements for the maintenance of Volume C1 are made by the WMCs/RTHs on the MTN for the maintenance of Volume C1. The centres may contact the WMO Secretariat to get information on these arrangements.
f. Consistency of data in Volume C1, routeing catalogues and monitoring results |
The Secretariat prepares comparisons between the abbreviated headings in Volume C1, the RTH routeing catalogues and the SMM monitoring. The Secretariat also prepares tables showing for each station included in the Regional Basic Synoptic Network (RBSN) or in the Regional Basic Climatological Network (RBCN):
- The abbreviated heading of bulletin(s) in which report(s) from the station were received during an SMM exercise;
- The abbreviated heading of bulletin(s) in which report(s) from the station should be compiled in accordance with Volume C1
The WMO Member countries are invited to review this information, note possible deficiencies in the updating of the operational information, and update Volume C1 or the routeing catalogues accordingly.
g. Updating Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes |
Volume C2 contains transmission programmes (i.e. contents and, when applicable, schedules) of data distribution systems of the Global Telecommunication System. This information is available on the WMO web site and the Permanent Representatives of the Member countries with WMO should send their amendments to the WMO Secretariat. |
h. Updating Volume D - Information for Shipping |
Volume D contains marine meteorology and other related geophysical information necessary for safe and economic conduct of shipping operations, as well as for fishing and other marine activities. It comprises information on the meteorological broadcasts by radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony, meteorological broadcasts by radio-facsimile, global maritime distress and safety system, coastal radio stations and Inmarsat land earth stations accepting ships’ weather and oceanographic reports, marine meteorological services available for main port, ship weather routeing services and visual storm warning signals. The provision of this information is provided by the WMO Secretariat and is available on the WMO web site.
Permanent Representatives of Member countries with WMO should send their amendments to the WMO Secretariat. |
i. Updating the list of "Additional" Data and Products (Res. 40 (Cg-XII)) |
The Twelfth World Meteorological Congress (1995) adopted Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) - "WMO Policy and Practice for the Exchange of Meteorological and Related data and products including Guidelines on Relationships in Commercial Meteorological Activities", to facilitate worldwide co-operation in the establishment of observing networks and to promote the exchange of meteorological and related information in the interest of all nations. According to the practice adopted by Congress, all meteorological and related data and products required to fulfil Members’ obligations under WMO Programmes should be encompassed by the combination of essential and additional data and products exchanged by Members. Members are urged to make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those additional meteorological and related data and products on which Members placed conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside the receiving country (or group of countries forming a single economic group).
This information is available on the WMO web site. The Permanent Representatives of Member countries with WMO should inform the WMO Secretariat of any updates to these lists.
a. Information provided to the WMO Member countries on updating of Volumes A and C1 |
WMO Members countries are informed of updating of Volumes A and C1 through:
- METNO messages distributed every week by the WMO Secretariat on the GTS. The abbreviated headings of the relevant bulletins are NOXX01 LSSW for updating of Volume A and NOXX02 LSSW for updating of Volume C1.
- Operational Newsletters distributed every month by the WMO Secretariat via the Internet