WMO>WWW >WWW Operational Information Service (OIS)> Telecommunications Abbreviated Heading - TAAii CCCC


Explanation of Data Designators T1T2A1A2ii CCCC
Tables Data Type
Table A Data type designator T1 Matrix Table for T1T2A1A2ii definitions
Table B1 Data type designator T2 (when T1 = A, C, F, N, S, T, U or W)
Table B2 Data type designator T2 (when T1 = D, G, H, P, Q, V or Y)
Table B3 Data type designator T2 (when T1 = I or J)
Table B4  Data type designator T2 (when T1 = O)
Table B5  Data type designator T2 (when T1 = E)
Table B6 Data type designator T2 (when T1 = K)
Table B7 Data type designator T2 (when T1 = L)
Table C1 Geographical designators A1A2 for use in abbreviated headings T1T2A1A2ii CCCC YYGGgg for bulletins containing meteorological information, excluding ships’ weather reports and oceanographic data
Table C2 Geographical designators A1A2 for use in abbreviated headings T1T2A1A2ii CCCC YYGGgg for bulletins containing ships’ weather reports and oceanographic data including reports from automatic marine stations
Table C3 Geographical area designator A1 (when T1 = D, G, H, O, P, Q, T or Y) and geographical area designator A2 (when T1 = I or K)
Table C4 Reference time designator A2 (when T1 = D, G, H, J, O, P, or T)
Table C5  Reference time designator A2 (when T1 = Q or Y))
Table C6 Data type designator A1 (when T1 = I or J)
Table C7 Data type designator A1 (when T1 = K)
Table D1 Level designator ii (when T1 = O)
Table D2 Level designator ii (when T1 = D, G, H, P, Q or Y)
Table D3 Level designator ii (when T1 T2 = FA or UA)

CBS Meetings
Reports of Meetings
Telecommunications Abbreaviated Heading
Symbolic Structure explained
Table Definitions
Table A
Table B1
Table B2
Table B3
Table B4
Table B5
Table B6
Table B7
Table C1
Table C2
Table C3
Table C4
Table C5
Table C6
Table C7
Table D1
Table D2
Table D3
Indicator BBB
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