WMO>WWW >WWW Operational Information Service (OIS)> Telecommunications Abbreviated Heading - TAAii CCCC


Explanation of Data Designators T1T2A1A2ii CCCC
TABLE B1 Data type designator T2 (when T1 = A,C,F,N,S,T,U or W)
Instructions for the proper application of the data type designators

(1)  The designators specified in this table should be used to the greatest extent possible to indicate the type of data contained within the body of the bulletin.
(2) When the tables does not contain a suitable deisgnator for the data type, an alphabetic designator which is not assigned in the table should be introduced and the WMO Secretariat notified.
(3) This table includes only the FM number and code name for an individual code form. The Roman numeral identifying the latest version has been omitted to reduce clutter. In all cases the latest version of a code is implied. Refer to WMO-No. 306 - Manual on Codes for the complete code name (including the version) of any numbered code. In those few instances where a numbered code does not exist, a reference and the common name is given: e.g. [ICAO] (AIREP). An explanatory note may be appended to an individual table if necessary.
(4) In the event that no standard format has been established for a particular data type, and where there is a recommended format, that format is given in square brackets under the column labeled Code form (e.g. [TEXT]). This is a character code in free form - International Alphabet No. 2 (Attachment II–1) or International Alphabet No. 5 (Attachment II–2) will be used.


T1 = A - Analyses
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
A C Cyclone [TEXT]
A G Hydrological/Marine [TEXT]
A H Thickness [TEXT]
A I Ice FM 44 (ICEAN)
A O Ozone layer [TEXT]
A R Radar [TEXT]
A S Surface FM 45 (IAC)/FM 46 (IAC FLEET)
A U Upper air FM 45 (IAC)
A W Weather Summary [TEXT]
A X Miscellaneous [TEXT]


T1 = C - Climatic data
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
C A Climatic anomalies [TEXT]
C E Monthly means (upper air) FM 76 (CLIMAT TEMP SHIP)
C H Monthly means (surface) FM 72 (CLIMAT SHIP)
C O Monthly means (ocean areas) FM 73 (NACLI, CLINP, SPCLI, CLISA, INCLI)
C S Monthly means (surface) FM 71 (CLIMAT)


T1 = F = Forecast
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
F A Aviation area /GAMET/advisories FM 53 (ARFOR)/[TEXT]
F B Upper winds and temperatures FM 50 (WINTEM)
F C Aerodrome (VT < 12 hours) FM 51 (TAF)
F D Radiological trajectory dose FM 57 (RADOF)
F E Extended [TEXT]
F F Shipping FM 46 (IAC FLEET)
F G Hydrological FM 68 (HYFOR)
F H Upper air thickness [TEXT]
F I Iceberg [TEXT]
F J Radio warning service (including IUWDS data) [TEXT]
F K Tropical cyclone advisories [TEXT]
F L Local/Area [TEXT]
F M Temperature extremes [TEXT]
F O Guidance [TEXT]
F P Public [TEXT]
F Q Other shipping [TEXT]
F R Aviation route FM 54 (ROFOR)
F S Surface FM 45 (IAC)/FM 46 (IAC FLEET)
F T Aerodrome (VT >= 12 hours) FM 51 (TAF)
F U Upper air FM 45 (IAC)
F V Volcanic ash advisories [TEXT]
F W Winter sports [TEXT]
F X Miscellaneous [TEXT]
F Z Shipping area FM 61 (MAFOR)


T1 = N- Notices
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
N G Hydrological [TEXT]
N H Marine [TEXT]
N N Nuclear emergency response [TEXT]
N P Product generation delay [TEXT]
N T TEST MSG [System related] [TEXT]
N W Warning related and/or cancellation [TEXT]


T1 = S - Surface data
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
S A Aviation routine reports FM 15 (METAR)
S B Radar reports (Part A) FM 20 (RADOB)
S C Radar reports (Part B) FM 20 (RADOB)
S D Radar reports (Parts A & B) FM 20 (RADOB)
S E Seismic data *(SEISMIC)
S F Atmospherics reports FM 81 (SFAZI)/FM 82 (SFLOC)/FM 83 (SFAZU)
S G Radiological data report FM 22 (RADREP)
S I Intermediate synoptic hour FM 12 (SYNOP)/FM 13 (SHIP)
S L - -
S M Main synoptic hour FM 12 (SYNOP)/FM 13 (SHIP)
S N Non-standard synoptic hour FM 12 (SYNOP)/FM 13 (SHIP)
S O Oceanographic data FM 63 (BATHY)/FM 64 (TESAC)/FM 62 (TRACKOB)
S P Special aviation weather reports FM 16 (SPECI)
S R Hydrological (river) reports FM 67 (HYDRA)
S S Drifting buoy reports FM 18 (BUOY)
S T Sea Ice [TEXT]
S U Snow depth [TEXT]
S V Lake ice [TEXT]
S W Wave information FM 65 (WAVEOB)
S X Miscellaneous [TEXT]
S Y Seismic wave form data [any format]
S Z Sea level data and deep-ocean tsunami data [any alphanumeric format]


T1 = T - Satellite data
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
T B Satellite orbit parameters [TEXT]
T C Satellite cloud interpretations FM 85 (SAREP)
T H Satellite remote upper air soundings FM 86 (SATEM)
T R Clear radiance observations FM 87 (SARAD)
T T Sea surface temperatures FM 88 (SATOB)
T W Winds and cloud temperatures FM 88 (SATOB)
T X Miscellaneous [TEXT]


T1 = U - Upper air data
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
U A Aircraft reports FM 41 (CODAR), ICAO (AIREP)
U D Aircraft reports FM 42 (AMDAR)
U E Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind (Part D) FM 35 (TEMP)/FM 36 (TEMP SHIP)/FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
U F Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind (Parts C and D) [National and bilateral option] FM 35 (TEMP)/FM 36 (TEMP SHIP)/FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
U G Upper wind (Part B) FM 32 (PILOT)/FM 33(PILOT SHIP)/FM 34(PILOT MOBIL)
U H Upper wind (Part C) FM 32 (PILOT)/FM 33 (PILOT SHIP)/FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
U I Upper wind (Parts A and B) [National and bilateral option] FM 32(PILOT)/FM 33(PILOT SHIP)/FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
U K Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind (Part B) FM 35 (TEMP)/FM 36 (TEMP SHIP)/FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
U L Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind (Part C) FM 35 (TEMP)/FM 36 (TEMP SHIP)/FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
U M Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind (Parts A and B) [National and bilateral option] FM 35 (TEMP)/FM 36 (TEMP SHIP)/FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
U N Rocketsonde reports FM 39(ROCOB)/FM 40 (ROCOB SHIP)
U P Upper wind (Part A) FM 32 (PILOT)/FM 33 (PILOT SHIP)/FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
U Q Upper wind (Part D) FM 32(PILOT)/FM 33 (PILOT SHIP)/FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
U R Aircraft report [NATIONAL**] (RECCO)
U S Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind (Part A) FM 35 (TEMP)/FM 36 (TEMP SHIP)FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
U T Aircraft report FM 41 (CODAR)
U X Miscellaneous [TEXT]
U Y Upper wind (Parts C and D) [National and bilateral option] FM 32 (PILOT)/FM 33 (PILOT SHIP)/FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
U Z Upper level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind from a sonde released by carrier balloon or aircraft (Parts A, B, C, D) FM 37 (TEMP DROP)


T1 = W - Warnings
T1 T2 T2 - Data Type Code Form
W C Tropical cyclone (SIGMET) [TEXT]
W E Tsunami [TEXT]
W F Tornado [TEXT]
W G Hydrological/River flood [TEXT]
W H Marine/Coastal flood [TEXT]
W O Other [TEXT]
W T Tropical cyclone (Typhoon/Hurricane) [TEXT]
W U Severe thunderstorm [TEXT]
W V Volcanic ash clouds (SIGMET) [TEXT]
W W Warnings and weather summary [TEXT]


*   The international seismic code is documented in the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume I, Attachment I.
** For example, United States national code form for reports from a meteorological reconnaissance flight (RECCO), is documented in the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume II, Chapter IV, Part F.

CBS Meetings
Reports of Meetings
Telecommunications Abbreaviated Heading
Symbolic Structure explained
Table Definitions
Table A
Table B1
Table B2
Table B3
Table B4
Table B5
Table B6
Table B7
Table C1
Table C2
Table C3
Table C4
Table C5
Table C6
Table C7
Table D1
Table D2
Table D3
Indicator BBB
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