2.10.3 Routeing catalogues The procedures described here are recommended for the exchange of the routeing catalogues of GTS Centres. The routeing catalogue is exchanged in the form of a file which can be directly ingested into most database software packages to help in GTS data flow analysis. The files containing “routeing catalogues” should be obtained using FTP file transfer over the Internet where possible and should be either available at each Centre or from the WMO server. The WMO server should contain a list (with hyperlinks) of all Centres who have routeing catalogues available for exchange. All Centres should provide the WMO Secretariat with URL addresses of where their respective files are located. | The routeing catalogue of a GTS centre should provide the following information for each bulletin identified by its abbreviated heading TTAAii CCCC: |
(a) The GTS circuit on which the bulletin is received;
(b) The list of the GTS circuits on which the bulletin is sent. | Each RTH should prepare a routeing catalogue and make it accessible by the other GTS centres, in particular by its associated NMCs. The routeing directory should be updated monthly if possible, but not less than every three months. | A GTS centre should include in its routeing catalogue the abbreviated headings of all bulletins received and/or transmitted on any GTS circuit connected to this GTS centre (GTS point-to-point circuits, GTS point-to-multipoint circuits such as satellite distribution systems, including the remaining HF broadcasts). Any bulletin scheduled to be received by the GTS centre, even if not actually forwarded on the GTS, should be included in the routeing catalogue. | The bulletins received and/or transmitted on a circuit established under a bilateral agreement for meteorological data exchange should also be included in the routeing catalogue. | The format of the routeing catalogue and the procedures for the access to the routeing catalogues are given in the Attachment II-7. |
2.10.4 Review of the content of switching directories
In addition to the regular updating of the switching directories, all automated GTS centres should clean regularly (e.g. once every six months) their switching directories thereby removing all abbreviated headings of bulletins which are no longer expected for exchange on the GTS. |