When adopting the Resolution, Congress reminded Members of their obligations, under Article 2 of the WMO Convention, to facilitate world-wide co-operation in the establishment of observing networks and to promote the exchange of meteorological and related information in the interest of all nations, and urged Members to implement the practice on the international exchange of meteorological and related data and products.
According to the practice adopted by Congress, all meteorological and related data and products required to fulfil Members’ obligations under WMO Programmes would be encompassed by the combination of essential and additional data and products exchanged by Members.
In Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) Congress urged Members to make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those additional meteorological and related data and products on which Members placed conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside the receiving country (or group of countries forming a single economic group). Congress believed that, as a result of the implementation of the practice by all Members, the volume of data and products exchanged internationally will increase.
Notifications to "additional" data and products and the conditions some Members have attached to these data are available via the Operational Newsletter of the World Weather Watch. |