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Analysis of Bulletin Headers and Contents of Bulletins
RTH Centres should review the contents of Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
and send their amendments to the WMO Secretariat
Updated: 24 October 2011


Bulletin Headers (TTAAii CCCC) Analysis: Bulletin Headers (TTAAii CCCC) Analysis: Content of bulletins (iiiii)
Where T1T2 = Bulletin Type SMM VC1 Totals WMO REGIONS
VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fixed stations
SM 01-19 SYNOP <20 VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1 1 2 3 4 5 6
SM 20- .. SYNOP >19 VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1 1 2 3 4 5 6
US TEMP (ii<20) VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1 1 2 3 4 5 6
TEMP (ii>19) 1 2 3 4 5 6
CS CLIMAT <20 VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1 1 2 3 4 5 6
CLIMAT >19 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mobile stations at Sea
SM SHIP VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
US TEMP SHIP VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
SS BUOY VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
SO BATHY/TESAC/TRACKOB VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
SO FLOATS VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
Mobile stations from Aircraft
UA AIREP VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
UD AMDAR VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
SO BUFR VC1 & RTH Previous/Current RTH & SMM SMM-RTH-VC1            
  Graph Graph Graph            
Bulletin totals Bulletin totals Bulletin totals            


Data Sets Used (click to view) CCCC Abbreviation Date
Routeing Catalogues (referred to as RTH):
RTH Algiers DAMM D 08/03/2009
RTH Beijing BABJ J 01/01/2011
RTH Brasilia SBBR B 01/06/2010
RTH Buenos Aires SABM I -
RTH Cairo HECA C 10/09/2008
RTH Dakar GOOY G 01/09/2011
RTH Exeter EGRR E 17/02/2011
RTH Jeddah OEJD T 17/01/2005
RTH Melbourne AMMC A 01/10/2011
RTH Moscow RUMS M 09/06/2011
RTH Nairobi HKNC Y 22/07/2010
RTH New Delhi DEMS N 01/10/2011
RTH Offenbach EDZW O 11/07/2011
RTH Prague OKPR P 18/10/2011
RTH Sofia LZSO Z 10/12/2009
RTH Tokyo RJTD R 06/10/2011
RTH Toulouse LFPW L 05/09/2011
RTH Washington KWBC K 20/10/2011
Other Data Sets used:
Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins (referred to as VC1) VolC1 V 20/10/2011
Special MTN Monitoring (referred to as SMM) SMM S 01/07/2011
Volume A - Observing stations     20/10/2011


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